Alan Fong

Nov 20, 20203 min

Short Beds and Small Blankets

Today’s Verse:

For the bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it: and the covering narrower than that he can wrap himself in it. ~Isaiah 28:20

Have you ever had to sleep in a bed much shorter than the length of your body or to try to cover yourself laying down with small blankets? If you have, you know how challenging that can be. In Deuteronomy 3:11, we are told about a giant man named Og and the dimensions of his bed. His bed was about 13.5 feet in length, and the breadth of it was 6 feet. Given these dimensions, he could have been at least 10 or 11 feet tall and possibly weighed 400-600 pounds. The idea is that the bed was large enough for him to have a restful sleep. This morning, let us see the lesson contained in a short bed and a small blanket.

We see the description.

A bed shorter than a man’s height and blankets that are too small to cover a man’s body describe a situation lacking in comfort and warmth. When you try to sleep in a small bed, it is very uncomfortable. Think of an adult trying to sleep in a child’s bed. You curl up, you toss and turn, and you find it hard to be in a restful position. You wind up getting little to no sleep, and when you get out of bed, you have neck, back, and body aches. When you use small blankets, it is very difficult to get warmth. You curl up, but that only temporarily helps. You pull the covers up, and the lower part of your body is cold. There is a complete lack of warmth when you try to cover up with small blankets.

We see the disappointment.

The description of a short bed and a small blanket is a picture of people trying to find comfort and warmth in anything other than a vibrant relationship with God. Many people are trying to find rest or comfort in money, power, sensual love, or affirmation in their decisions. They eventually find out that none of these things give permanent and lasting rest. People try to find warmth in worldly friendships, controlling substances (alcohol and drugs), social media acceptance, or sin. Eventually, people come to the realization that the world is a cold, harsh place that offers no real comfort or warmth. It leaves people in turmoil, restlessness, and bitterness.

We see the dependability.

To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.” True rest is found in our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). The world cannot carry our burdens for us, but Jesus tells us to cast our burdens and labors on Him. The world gives us promises that it cannot keep, but Jesus gives us peace that passeth all understanding. The world leaves us shivering and cold, but Jesus gives us the fire of His fellowship. In His fire, we have the warmth of a fellowship that gives us confidence and assurance. In His fire, we have light that brightens our path. In His fire, we have purging and cleansing from sin. We must depend upon Him completely. We must have faith in Him alone for our sustainability. In our Lord Jesus, no bed is too short, and no blanket is too small!

Don’t fall for the idea that a short bed and small blankets will get you through life. Only a faith relationship in our Lord will give true rest and warmth.

Have a comforted God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Acts 21-23

#Isaiah #Comfort #Rest
