Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. ~Acts 16:25
Years ago, a comic series had two fictional crime-fighting characters named Batman and Robin. As action heroes, they were nicknamed “The Dynamic Duo.” In the Bible, we have a few “dynamic duos” that are prominent for their chemistry in working as an effective team. One of these teams is Paul and Silas. However, this morning we are not looking at the team as much as we are focusing on the strengths of the lesser-known team member. This morning, let us consider Silas and his value to Paul. Let us see how Silas was an excellent model of a right-hand man.
We see that Silas was PROVEN.
Silas is first mentioned in Acts 15 as one of the prophets in the church at Jerusalem. He was a brother who was completely committed. Acts 15:26 tells us that he was a man who hazarded his life for the Lord Jesus. The word “hazarded” means to turn over completely. He gave Jesus his life. He was willing to accept all risks that were associated with being a man of God. Then, we see that he was a brother who was completely compatible. Silas was recommended, along with another prophet named Judas, as “men who shall also tell you the same things by mouth.” He believed and preached the Bible just like Paul and the other prophets. To effectively serve on a team, one must speak the same things—that is, he must believe and preach the same doctrine. Silas was proven in dedication and doctrine.
We see that Silas was a PREACHER.
He is identified as a prophet. He had the calling of God in his life. In fact, his name means “a lover of words.” A preacher is one who has a calling and gift to proclaim the gospel and preach God’s Word. He does not preach because he is an excellent speaker: he preaches because God has stirred this man up to be God’s spokesman. We read in Acts 15:32, “And Judas and Silas, being prophets also themselves, exhorted the brethren with many words, and confirmed them.” As a preacher, he needed to be instant in season and out of season. Paul needed a man who was moved with urgency when it came to the proclamation of God’s Word.
We see that Silas is PREFERRED.
“And Paul chose Silas, and departed, being recommended by the brethren unto the grace of God,” Acts 15:40. Paul needed a new team member after he and Barnabas parted ways. Silas fit the bill in more ways than Paul could have dreamed. What is important is that Paul had already seen the works and life of Silas. Then, Silas was given an unquestionable recommendation by the church at Jerusalem to Paul. Interestingly, Silas was recommended unto the grace of God. This implies that he was considered the best man to come alongside of Paul in advancing the gospel through church planting. What a recommendation!
We see that Silas PRAYED.
“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them.” In Acts 16, we see Paul and Silas doing a lot of praying. What stands out is that when both men were beaten and cast into prison, both men prayed and sang praises. Each inspired the other. Silas was a man who prayed without ceasing. He was a man who lifted up holy hands everywhere, without wrath and doubting. God gave Paul a man of prayer as his right-hand man. If you are privileged to serve on a team, as a church staff member, or in a deacon capacity, your greatest value is your prayer life and ability to pray.
We see that Silas is PROFITABLE.
Silas was the ultimate right-hand man. He could preach, but he always deferred to Paul. He stayed behind to disciple and stabilize the new believers. He endured affliction with Paul. He inspired Paul by his companionship. He was an indispensable part of the advancement of the gospel.
There are a lot of men who are lone rangers with big egos who are self-promoters instead of Christ-promoters. Humble yourself and find satisfaction in being a right-hand man that God can use.
Have a resourceful God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 21-22