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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Alive and Well

Today’s Verse:

But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine: ~Titus 2:1


“Alive and well” is an idiom people use to describe that they are in good health and doing well. This is sometimes used in conjunction with someone surviving a mishap or near-disaster experience. The churches on the island of Crete were dealing with things that were wanting, including false teachers and a slacking off of Christian living. Paul uses the word “sound,” which means healthy, to emphasize being spiritually well and healthy.

We must be sound in the Word.

Sound doctrine refers to the fundamental set of beliefs that is our foundation. Bible doctrine is what the Bible itself declares to be the truth and not what we want it to be. Bible doctrine is not what is defined by man or subject to change. Jude describes the fundamentals as the “faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Paul describes it as the “the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone.” Sound doctrine is the Word of the Lord which liveth and abideth forever. It is “thus saith the Lord” as final authority and not “thus saith a theologian.” Paul said “In doctrine shewing uncorruptness.”

We must be sound in our works.

Our belief determines our behavior, and our doctrine is revealed in our duty. Paul gives a detailed listing of the works indicative of a healthy Christian. Healthy works include being sober-minded; grave; temperate; sound in faith, charity, and patience; holy; abstinent; truthful; not vindictive; teachers of good things; keepers at home; loving spouses; stable; sincere; and sound in speech, that cannot be condemned. All of these things are the outward virtues of a Christian who walks in the Spirit. It is living out our faith for the glory of God.

We must be sound in our withdrawal.

“Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world.” In order to be physically healthy, we know that we must remove ourselves from eating unhealthy foods. To be spiritually healthy, we must withdraw, or separate, from ungodliness and worldly lusts. We must not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. We must “love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.” We must make the painful removal from friendships that are not living for God.

We must be sound in our wait.

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Sometimes, we are looking around us and wind up getting sidetracked and discouraged. Instead, we should be looking upwards and focus on the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The coming of Jesus is our blessed hope. His coming for us will be glorious. There will be the sound of the trumpet and the voice of the archangel. Looking for Jesus’ coming is the great inspiration for holy, righteous, and sober living.

We must be sound in our witness.

Paul said that in all things, we should be a pattern of good works and a peculiar people zealous of good works. A spiritually healthy Christian is a compassionate and consistent witness. We must pray and look for opportunities to witness to the lost. We must be zealous for souls to come to Christ. To be alive and well, we must give attention to the things which become sound doctrine. Now is a good time to do an assessment of your spiritual health and to shore up your life so that sound doctrine, sound faith, sound speech, and sound works are being practiced. Being healthy is our responsibility.

Have a healthy God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Isaiah 12-17

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