Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And Jesus answered them, saying, The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified. ~John 12:23
The Bible makes it very clear that we were made to glorify the Lord. We are not to glory in our wisdom, our wealth, or our power. If we have anything to glory in, it is the fact that the Lord is God. Giving glory to God is giving Him the honor, the acknowledgement, and complete magnification for everything. Someone said, “Giving glory to Jesus is when we make Jesus look good!” Within a few days, Jesus would give His life as a ransom for many. He said, “The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified.” Jesus would get the glory for His sacrificial death on the cross for our sins. I want to take this thought and encourage us today that “The hour is come, that the Son of Man should be glorified.” We must make sure our lives are constantly giving Him glory!
He said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.” The crucifixion of Christ led to a shedding of His precious blood for every sinner. His suffering for every sinner was the Just dying for the unjust, that He might bring us to God. His death on the cross satisfied God’s demands for sin to be satisfied. Though the unjust crowd mocked and railed upon Him, Jesus is glorified through the cross. Through His death on the cross, salvation is available for every sinner. The cross is the means by which sin has been paid. Jesus is glorified through the cross!
John 12 highlights people who were either ashamed of Jesus or confessed Him as their Lord and Savior. Mary of Bethany glorified Jesus when, in the presence of many people at a dinner, she broke an alabaster box and poured expensive spikenard on Him. The odor of the spikenard filled the entire house. Everyone present knew that something magnificent was done. Her act confessed that He was her Savior and Lord. On the other hand, there were chief rulers who believed in Him but were ashamed to let their peers know. These men loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. Our silent witness discredits the Person of Christ. Confession of Christ is making our testimony public that Jesus is our Savior and lives within us. He is glorified through our confession.
Some Greeks came to that same city looking for Jesus. They came to Philip, who took them to Andrew, and, together, these two men brought them to Jesus. Jesus desires to draw all men to Himself. Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Lazarus sat at the table where Jesus dined. After His resurrection, he made a determination to be as close to Jesus as possible. Later, we are told that many of the Jews believed on Jesus because of him. Don’t you want people to believe on Jesus because of you? We sometimes get weary of being exhorted to win souls to Christ. However, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” There is more joy in Heaven over one sinner that repents than ninety nine who are already saved. Think of how much glory Jesus receives when a sinner accepts Him as Savior. That sinner has confessed that only through the death of Christ and His resurrection can they be saved. That testimony points other lost people to Jesus. Heaven rejoices! Heaven is added to! People are encouraged! Yes, Jesus is glorified when there are conversions.
“The hour is come, that the Son of man should be glorified”! Let’s give all glory to Jesus!
Bible Reading Schedule: Matthew 20-21