Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou knewest my path. In the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snare for me. ~Psalm 142:3
The inscription for Psalm 142 tells us that it is a Maschil of David; a Prayer when he was in the cave. This psalm was written either when he was in the cave of Adullam or in one of the caves of Engedi. This is a teaching psalm. It is a lesson of the fact that every Christian will have a cave experience in their life. As we review this psalm, David is “caved in”. He is so overcome with fear and anxiety, his experience has the best of him. This psalm teaches us how to pray when like David we feel like we are caved in.
David said, “my spirit was overwhelmed within me”. He spoke of “his complaint and trouble”. He speaks of Saul as “his persecutor”. He spoke of his predicament as “his prison.” Discouragement is overwhelming as David said. It takes away our joy. Our world feels like it is falling apart. We have sleepless nights. God feels like He is very far away. We are looking for an escape. The cave can be a place where discouraged people find themselves.
David pours his heart to the Lord. Three times he speaks of crying out to the Lord. He lays out his situation before the Lord. David wants out of this situation in a bad way. He has no one to turn to but the Lord. He is praying for a clear path. He is praying for protection. He is praying for prudence and wisdom. He is praying for God to get him out of this horrible situation he is in. His prayer is explicit. His prayer is extensive. His prayer is excruciating. God knows how bad David feels and how much he needs God’s help.
David’s situation was teaching him to depend on the Lord. David’s faith needed bolstering. Trials teach us to realize how much we need the Lord. Trials teach us to remove the hindrances that keep us from closeness to God. First, David told the Lord that He was his refuge or hiding place. That very statement indicated he was safer trusting in God than he was hiding in a cave. Second, David acknowledged God was his resource. He said, “he was my portion in the land of the living.” David kept a complete dependence upon God. There was no escape except through God. When life has us caved in we need to have faith in God and God alone. Because of this, he was able to see light at the end of the tunnel.
Are you caved in like David was? Call on the Lord and trust Him for the outcome.
Bible Reading Schedule: Micah 1-4