Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain. ~2 Samuel 23:4
My favorite time of every day is the morning. It is especially delightful as the sun comes up and when there is not a cloud in the sky. It is even more delightful when the sun is at its apex, and still no clouds are anywhere in sight. “A morning without clouds” is a wonderful description about the power our influence should have on people in our lives.
There must be honesty in our influence.
“He that ruleth over men must be just.” Truthfulness, integrity, and honesty are the baseline of our influence. When this is destroyed, our influence is not worth following. We must be careful of playing favorites and being partial in our judgment. This is especially true in our parenting. We must be consistent in our actions. Our lives must be beyond reproach. We must keep our word and be constantly reliable. We must be careful and truthful with our words. We must consider who we associate with and how those in our circle of influence affect our testimony. Our decision making should always be in accordance with God’s word. Be honest in your influence.
There must be holiness in our influence.
“He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God.” Ruling in the fear of God sets the guideline for our leadership influence. It means that we take into account what does God have to say about every matter. We must be careful not to let opinions, trends, culture, and surveys affect our say on a matter. Ruling in the fear of God indicates that our influence is in submission to God’s authority. It governs our conscience, our thought process, and ultimate decision-making. Wrong leadership can incite people to do wrong and sin. Think of Aaron and how his influence encouraged the people to make a golden calf. He was not living in the fear of God, but in the desire to please people. Ruling in the fear of God always has in mind that we must obey God rather than man. If we cannot follow God, we forfeit our right to be a leader.
There must be happiness in our influence.
“And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds.” Are the people with whom we have influence inspired, happy, and loving God more because of what you have said and are doing? Our influence must be a like a cloudless morning in the life of those we have influence with. They should be happy that you are in their life. They should feel secure that you are in their life. They should feel like a burden has been taken off their shoulders. Why did David’s mighty men come and stay with him? He was to them as a morning without clouds! As a dark sky started to fade and the morning light came up, David’s men looked forward to a new day with their leader. Make your home a place like a morning without clouds! Serve and lead in your ministry as a morning without clouds!
There must be happenings in our influence.
“As the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.” Our influence should encourage growth in the lives of others. We see the picture of the tender grass springing out of the earth after the rain. Our influence should encourage gain in the lives of others. Others should strive to be more fruitful in their service. Think of how David’s defeat of Goliath inspired his mighty men to take out giants that stood in their way! Our influence should inspire the spread of the gospel and the augmentation of God’s word. Our influence should inspire someone to want more of God in their life.
A morning without clouds colorfully speaks to us about a life that brings cheer, confidence, and contentment. Roll those clouds out of your horizon, and be someone who inspires!
Have a cloudless God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Matthew 9-10