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Face to Face

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah. ~Psalm 67:1


FaceTime is a great communication tool designed to allow people with an Apple iPhone® or iPad® device to connect visually with another person who also has an Apple® device for free. It is real-time communication that allows you to see the person whom you are communicating with. We also use this term to describe seeing another person face to face for fellowship or on a business matter. This morning, we want to consider the importance of face time with God. The psalmist requested that the Lord make His face to shine upon us.

We see the understandable meaning.

The phrase, "Cause thy face to shine upon us," is requesting God’s blessing and favor. It is having God look upon us for the bestowal of His approval on our life. Having God to shine His face upon us is needed for the challenges of life. It is needed for power in our life. It is needed for answered prayer in our life. It is needed when we take steps of faith in our life. It is a humble request that expresses to God our dependence upon Him. Without God’s favor, we will accomplish nothing.

We see the unlimited mercies.

Asking God for His face to shine upon us must be done in conjunction with requesting His mercies. We need God’s mercies in our life all the time. Without the Lord’s mercies, we would be consumed. We need His mercies because of our propensity to sin. We need His mercies upon us because of our tendency is to be independent. We need His mercies upon us because we are proud and conceited. By requesting God’s mercies, we are admitting how small and weak we are. It is humbling ourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt us in due time.

We see the undiminished mission.

Our requesting for God’s mercies and face to shine upon us is not to fulfill our selfish desires. Rather, it is so that God’s purpose of advancing the gospel message can be accomplished. "That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations." Our world is a place of polytheism mixed with atheism. The mission that God has entrusted to us is that all the world may know Him. God wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. God will judge the world in righteousness and in truth. Advancing the gospel results in souls saved and people who praise the Lord. God is most honored when He is praised by His people. The more people are converted to the Lord, the more His praise is increased throughout the earth.

We see the unblemished merchandise.

As God allows His face to shine upon us and His gospel message is advanced, we can boldly ask Him to bless us. When God shines His face, you can expect to see His blessings in abundance. Our inclination must be for God to shine His face upon us for the prioritized purpose of advancing His gospel message and starting churches. When we do this, we can expect to see an immeasurable outpouring of His blessing upon our lives.

This morning, join me in boldly asking God to make His face to shine upon us. Let us pray for His mercies and blessings. Let us do it in accordance with the desire of advancing the gospel. Take time to have face time with God today!

Have a favored God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Kings 9-11

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