Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. ~Psalm 37:1
Are you someone who tends to fret? Do you become easily irritated with world events? Do the habits of some people in your life annoy you incessantly? Does the prosperity of the wicked and the oppression of the righteous make you upset? Do you fret when things are not going the way you had planned? Do you fret when someone else succeeds and you do not? If so, you are not alone. Most, if not all, have seasons and moments when certain events or people cause anxiety and vexation of heart. This morning, let’s consider God’s Word on what to do when we find ourselves fretting.
Fretting is a human reaction to events, situations, or people. When we fret, we are annoyed, anguished, frustrated, and angry. We fret when our circumstances get the best of us. We tend to seethe with quiet vexation. We complain or murmur under our breath. We imagine the situation to be worse than what it really is. In v. 1, the fretting was because evildoers and the workers of iniquity were getting ahead in the world and God didn’t seem to be doing anything about it. All fretting is a sin of the spirit. Fretting assumes God is allowing bad things to happen without considering God’s purposes in the matter. When fretting takes control, our thinking supersedes God’s wisdom in the matter.
Three times in Psalm 37, we are told to “fret not.” It is a simple command. Just stop fretting. Let it go. Stop mulling on whatever it is that is making you to fret. Stop imagining the situation to be worse than it is. Don’t look at everything that is being said as an attack on you. It is a submissive command. The fact we are told not to fret implies immediate submission to God. Biblical submission assumes we adopt a spirit of meekness and quietness on matters. The more we fret, the more we murmur. The more we murmur, the more we fret. Fret not thyself!
We are reminded in v. 2 that evildoers will be "cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb." We are told in v. 9 that evildoers shall be cut off. Here is what we are to constantly keep in mind: God is always in control of the situation. The evildoers who prosper in their way are temporal. Their day with God will come. David faced many revolts and betrayals from those closest to him. David found himself fretting a lot. Then, the Lord showed him time and time again that those who intentionally cause Him vexation would be dealt with in God’s timing and in God’s way.
First, commit your situation in its entirety to the Lord. Humble yourself before God, and allow Him to solve your situation. Second, resolve that you will do right regardless of what injustice happens to you. "Trust in the Lord, and do good." "Cease from anger, and forsake wrath." The devil uses fretting to cause us to lose our focus on the important things that we should be doing. Third, rest in the Lord, and wait on Him. Trials and adverse situations are God’s gifts that He sends to teach us to wait. We are too impulsive and impatient and always wanting to do things our way. Just wait! Finally, have faith in God, and watch God work. “Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.” Sometimes, the person who is helped the most when fretting is the person who is fretting.
Don’t let whatever you are going through drive you up the wall. Instead, tear down walls that are obstructions to God’s power. Deal with your frustration head-on and in the power of God!
Bible Reading Schedule: Joshua 19-21