Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. ~John 15:7-8
A healthy fruit tree is a blessing to its owner. This kind of tree has been well-watered and given time to let its roots grow very deep in the earth. It is a tree that brings forth an abundance of fruit and is prized by the owner. The Lord Jesus used the idea of a healthy tree that has been well-watered, has been periodically pruned, and produces an abundance of fruit to picture the ideal Christian life that is successful according to Jesus’ standards. The term “fruit by the bushel” is a wonderful idiom that speaks of a tree that is predictable and productive in its fruit-bearing results. This morning, let us see how the ideal Christian life is one that is always bearing fruit by the bushel.
We see the essential SECRET.
A healthy Christian life is one that makes the ministry of the Word of God and prayer a continuous essential. It is contingent upon us on how healthy and fruitful we wish to be. Jesus starts John 15:7 with the word “if.” It is an uncompromising condition for being fruitful. Our fellowship and closeness to the Lord determines the degree of our productiveness. We must abide, or be very much embedded, in our fellowship with the Lord through His Word. His Word must have supreme authority in us. The abiding of Christ’s Words in us implies the meditating on God’s Word, the memorizing of God’s Word, and our obedience to God’s Word. When we are closely abiding in Christ, we find ourselves quoting scripture all the time and always desiring to know what Lord has to say in a matter. Then, we see where a devoted and constant prayer life is intertwined with the Word of God. We have the ability to pray for things and see constant answers to our prayers. One of the key evidences that God’s Word is at work in us and that we are pleasing God is through the consistent and constant answers to prayer God gives.
We see the exorbitant SUCCESS.
Jesus said, “Ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you.” He said, “There is much fruit!” The healthy Christian life is one that is bearing much fruit: fruit by the bushel. It pays to stay in the Word and to be praying always. The work of God has always advanced and abounded through Christian leaders who are men of prayer and the Word. God does not want us content with a life that is meager in its results, but rather a life where much is happening. Much answers to prayer, much in victory, much in substance, much in giving, much in fruit bearing. Exorbitant success is when we bear much fruit. It is also the greatest testimony of our relationship to our Lord. Jesus said, “So shall ye be my disciples.” True disciples of the Lord make fellowship with the Lord the mainstay of their lives. They are focused on living a life that bears much fruit and letting it be known they belong to Jesus and Jesus belongs to them.
We see the excellent SIGNIFICANCE.
Jesus said, “Herein is my Father glorified.” The significance of our life is neither in what we achieve for personal gain nor who acknowledges us for who we are. The excellence of our significance boils down to, “Is God glorified by my life?” God is most glorified when we bear much fruit as a result of abiding in His Word and praying by faith for God to do great and mighty things. When the fruit of the Spirit is always evident, then prayers are being answered, sinners are being saved, leaders are being developed, the impossible is being made possible, and our influence is helping to change other people. When the fruit of the Spirit is evident, it is then we are most glorifying God. Think of it: unanswered prayer and fruitless days are not glorifying to our Lord.
So, what should we do in order to have fruit by the bushel? Get into the Word, make time for prayer, and watch God work in your life. Determine this morning that our life will be one that brings forth much fruit to the glory of God!
Have a fruitful God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Genesis 12-15