Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees; ~Hebrews 12:12
The start of a new year is when we establish new goals. For many people, this includes physical and exercise goals to get in shape. We make changes to our diet, and we devote ourselves to a minimum number of minutes of exercise for better health. Our spiritual health must be considered as well. Paul gives us very practical and helpful advice to help us get in the best shape of our spiritual life.
The believers whom Paul wrote to were in a spiritually weakened condition. First, they were in a state of decline. This decline was because they drifted from the commandments and promises of the Word of God. They not only drifted, but they doubted the Word of God. Over time, they developed an evil heart of unbelief and became scornful to the Lord. Second, they were being disciplined by the Lord. This discipline, also referred to as chastening, was God’s way of putting them through difficulties, losses, trial, and hardship to help them see that they were not where they should be spiritually. God disciplines His children because He loves us and wants us to get back into His will for our life. When we are disciplined, we realize how weak, powerless, misdirected we are.
Paul uses a quotation from Isaiah 35:3 to exhort us in getting into spiritual shape. “Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down.” Hands that hang down speaks of being slack, slothful, and inactive. Hands are symbolic of service. The lifting up of our hands means to stop being slack. Let us lift our hands in praise to God. Let us lift our hand in prayer. Let us lift our hands in participation. Then, we must strengthen our feeble knees. Our knees speak of the exercise of prayer. Prayerlessness is a sin. Prayerlessness results in a powerless life. “Ye have not, because ye ask not.” Feeble knees are knees that have not been in the place of prayer: start praying daily and for an extended season. The best “knee bends” are when we bend them in prayer. Third, make straight paths for the feet. Weak feet are painful to stand on. Weak feet hurt when we walk. Don’t take shortcuts in your walk with God. Don’t walk on rocks and sharp objects with your feet. The healing of our lame feet directs us to start walking with God daily, consistently, and with endurance. A straight path for your feet is walking in the Word of God.
Weak hands can become strong hands. Feeble knees can flex and become strong. Feet that were lame can walk long distances without difficulty. You are getting your life back into shape. It is important to make your spiritual health a priority this year. It will take determination. You must endure difficulties and discouragement. It will take discipline. You must stay on schedule and not let anything keep you from doing your daily routine. It will pay you rich dividends. Your service for the Lord, praying, and Bible reading will experience greater spiritual muscle. Get into shape starting today, and strive for your best year ever.
Bible Reading Schedule: Genesis 1-3