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Getting Back Your Life

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

But Peter put them all forth, and kneeled down, and prayed; and turning him to the body said, Tabitha, arise. And she opened her eyes: and when she saw Peter, she sat up. And he gave her his hand, and lifted her up, and when he had called the saints and widows, presented her alive. ~Acts 9:40-41


Have you ever been at a place in your life where you feel like your life was taken out of you? By this, I am referring to where you lost your happiness, joy, productivity, and effectiveness. This morning, we are studying the life of a special woman in the Bible named Tabitha, and how she got back her life.

We see Tabitha and her SERVICE.

“Now there was at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha, which by interpretation is called Dorcas: this woman was full of good works and almsdeeds which she did,” vs. 36. Down at Joppa was a thriving local New Testament church. One member of that church stood out for her spirituality and service. That was Tabitha. She was committed as a disciple of the Lord. She is described as being full of good works and almsdeeds. She served the people much by making coats for the widows and needy women, and giving much to financially help others. She was one of those rare people who had a powerful influence in the lives of other people. Her life revolved around helping others. Those who live for others more than they live for self are people who are fulfilled. We make a living by what we earn: we make a life by what we give away. Like Tabitha, be an enthusiastic servant to others.

We see Tabitha and her CESSATION.

“And it came to pass in those days, that she was sick, and died: whom when they had washed, they laid her in an upper chamber,” vs. 37. Something tragic happened to Tabitha that can happen to us. She became sick and died. Whatever the illness she had, it eventually resulted in her death. Spiritual sickness, left untreated, will also lead to death. If you don’t pray, you become sick and die spiritually. If you don’t read your Bible, you become spiritually sick and die. If you allow the root of bitterness to spring up in your life, you will lose your joy. Is there unconfessed sin in your life that is slowly taking away your life? When death occurs, we no longer have the ability to impact the lives of others.

We see Tabitha and the SOLUTION.

The church at Joppa called Peter to come to help them. Peter came, and after being shown how much Tabitha impacted her church, he went to the chamber where her body was laid and prayed earnestly for her life to return. Would you notice the essential steps for getting our life back when it has gone cold and ineffective? First, there must be secluded prayer. Prayer is when the breath of heaven enters back into our depleted spiritual lungs. Prayer is when the divine power of God meets the weakness of our human frailty. Second, there must be an awakening. Peter took her by the hand and told her to arise. Realize there is someone praying for you who wants you to regain your life. Don’t push them away: take them by the hand when it is extended, and arise. Third, look around you and remember that God still wants to use you. Peter presented her alive to the church. The church was happy and enthused that she was alive again.

We see Tabitha and her SIGNIFICANCE.

Even though nothing more is said about her, it is safe to assume that Tabitha lived out her years by being full of good works and giving almsdeeds. She was significant because of her contribution. She was significant because she found her life by giving it away to others.

You can get back the life that sin, disappointment, bitterness, and disobedience steals from you. We cannot regain time that has been lost and opportunities that will not return, but we can get back our life and have a fresh start. Get back your life and the joy of your salvation.

Have a revived God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Kings 12-14

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