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God Bless America

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law. ~Psalm 119:126


July 4th celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence of the USA. 56 courageous and patriotic men signed their names on this document to indicate America’s independence from the religious and political oppression of England. On that day, these men pledged their lives, liberty, and all that they had for the sake of freedom. The pledge of allegiance declares one nation under God with freedom and liberty for all. This country was founded with a dogmatic idea of the pursuit of religious freedom and the worship of God. In its early days, America thrived in its spirituality as fiery preachers and Spirit-filled pastors filled the pulpits and exhorted their congregations in messages that emphasized repentance towards God and faith towards our Lord Jesus Christ. America is very far spiritually from where our founders had in mind. This morning, we see a prayer for America. We are desperately in need of this country repenting of its sins and turning to God. This morning, we are praying, "God bless America!"

We see a pagan condition.

The psalmist declared that the nation had made void the law of God. When something is made void, it is declared as not having validity, not legally binding, null, and of no effect. Spiritually the nation has said, “We do not want God or His Word in our lives.” Laws have been passed that have changed what God has said is the right way and made it inclusive of ideas that are against God. Lifestyles that God has defined as sinful and abominable have been legalized and declared as normal. The reckless pursuit of sports and entertainment has produced the worship of idols on a scale not very different from golden calf worship and idol worship under every tree. Worldliness has been redefined and friendship with the world is embraced instead of avoided. The spiritual condition of the country indicates they have made void God’s laws.

We see a passionate concern.

The psalmist was burdened and overwhelmed for the direction the country is heading. He was passionately asking God to work. He was praying for a God-sanctioned, Christ-honoring revival. First, judgment must begin in the house of God. God’s people must confess their sins and repent from their evil ways. God’s people must recognize that their prayerlessness, their lack of fervency for evangelization, their silence concerning paganism in the public schools, and the passage of unbiblical laws have resulted in the serious decline we are in. Second, our prayer must be for God to revive our churches, stir up our political leaders, and for the upcoming generation to take ownership with us in praying and working for revival. We need revival now!

We see our powerful Creator.

This psalmist made clear that his trust is not in the machinery of the political process, the election of the right officials in office, or the passage of the right laws. He realizes these are necessary components in moving the country in the right direction. However, he is making a surrendered acknowledgement that we need God our Creator to work. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered! We need “in God we trust” as our motto again. We need to be one nation under God once again. We need a strong emphasis in our pulpits across America of a God Who is our Savior and Lord.

This morning, may it be your prayer and mine for God to work. May it be during our lifetime that we see God blessing America as a nation under Him.

Have a revived God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 115-118


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