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God's Will

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart. ~Psalm 40:8


The subject of the will of God is one that is either delightful or disconcerting to Christians. You are either doing the will of God, or you are not. All consternation or concerns that people have about God’s will is due to ignorance, misunderstanding, or outright disobedience. God’s will is not the enemy of the Christian. Rather, God’s will is God’s best for our life. God’s will for us is doing the right thing, being in the right place, and being the right person. This morning, we want to consider the importance of God’s will for our life.

There is the strategy in the will of God.

“In the volume of the book it is written of me.” God has a “masterplan” for each life. It is God’s perfect blueprint for us. He has His will written out for us in Heaven. He shows us enough light for the next step. His will is to maximize His power through the opportunities that He entrusts us with. His will is the privilege that you and I have in helping to accomplish His will on earth as it is in Heaven. His will is that you and I help to advance His cause and purpose in the lives of other people.

There is the surrender to the will of God.

“Lo, I come.” We must come to the place in our life where we are surrendered to whatever God has in store for us. We are to let go of our reservations, our retreat, and our resistance. We must come without hesitation, without a plan B, without a backup plan, and without a hidden agenda. We must come as we are and with what we have.

There are the Scriptures and the will of God.

“Yea, thy law is within my heart.” God never separates His will from His Word. In order for us to be doing the will of God, we must be daily in the Scriptures to discern what it is that we are supposed to do. There are many commandments that God has given to us that are to be deeply embedded in our hearts. There are many promises given to us that should be inscribed in our hearts and that we are to rely upon. We cannot do God’s will if we are not taking time to know God’s mind as revealed from His Word.

There is our service and the will of God.

The psalmist said he preached righteousness in the great congregation. He said he did not hide righteousness within his heart. The will of God requires that we serve God through the priority of the gospel proclamation. Our testimony is to make Christ and His Word known through our life. His will is that we are light in darkness and salt to thirsty souls. God’s will is for the unsaved to know that He is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

There is our satisfaction and the will of God.

“I delight to do thy will.” There is nothing better than to be doing God’s will. It is God’s will that we give thanks always in all things. It is God’s will that we live in sanctification and abstain from immoral conduct. It is God’s will that we obey Him. It is God’s will that we are members of a local church, and for that matter, a Baptist church. There are revealed matters that we should delight in doing.

Don’t let the devil trick you into thinking that God’s will is your foe. It is not! It is always God’s best for every life. Take a moment this morning to let God have His way in your heart and life.

Have a God-perfected God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Kings 4-5

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