Alan Fong
I Will Not Forget
Today’s Verse:
I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me. ~Psalm 119:93
How’s your memory? Are you at a place in life where you have forgotten more than you care to forget? A woman in her 50s was driving with a friend. She went through a red light. The friend didn't say anything. But then she went through another one. The friend said, "Do you realize you just went through two red lights?" "Oh," she said, "was I driving?"
The psalmist boldly proclaimed, “I will never forget thy precepts.” He had come to the place in his life when he realized that there is tremendous benefit to the memorization of God’s Word. This morning, we want to think well on the memorization of Scripture and how it will help us.
There is the responsibility in memorization.
The psalmist said, “thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee.” Jesus told us in John 15:7, “If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and shall be done unto you.” The memorization of God’s Word is a priority in order to overcome sin in our life. Memorization is the repeating of God's Word in our heart and mind until it is deeply embedded within us. Successful memorization is the key to answered prayer. Successful memorization enables us to be fruitful in the winning of souls. The psalmist said, “I will never forget thy precepts.”
There is the reward in memorization.
Memorization has many rewards. First, it helps keep our minds insulated from sinful thinking and spiritual strongholds. Second, it draws us closer to God. Third, it makes God’s Word more real and substantial to us. Fourth, it is a key to consistent answered prayer. Fifth, memorization makes us better Christian in almost every facet of Christian living
There is the revival from memorization.
The psalmist said, “for with them thou hast quickened me.” God’s Word continuously revived the psalmist. When the fire in his heart started to wane, God’s Word would stir up the flames again. When Jeremiah was in a dungeon for preaching God’s Word, he was ready to quit and throw in the towel. Then he said, “But thy word was shut up in my bones like a burning fire.” The memorization of God’s Word rekindled his passion for preaching and serving. When the flame in Timothy’s preaching was vacillating, Paul exhorted him to stir up the gift that was in him. God’s word is living and once we get it deep down inside, it awakens our conscience and desire for the Lord. Revivals always have their basis in the Word of God.
Be someone who does not forget the precepts of God! Commit to memorization of the Scripture and allow it to saturate your life. Be determined to never forget God’s precepts. Let them permeate you in such a way that you are constantly revived and stirred.
Have a Word-filled God morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Daniel 10-12