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Keep It Hot

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord; ~Romans 12:11


I enjoy my cooked food to be hot when served. The same is true of hot beverages. This morning, we are looking at the word "fervent" or "fervency." The word that is translated as fervent means “boiling hot.” This is a good description that describes the spirit that we should have for the Lord.

We should be fervent in spirit.

This implies having a spirit that is enthusiastic, passionate, and excited about the Lord. We are told that Apollos was fervent in spirit. He was someone who was on fire about the Lord. It was said of John the Baptist that he was a burning and shining light. Being fervent in spirit means that we have a strong zeal and passion for whatever we do for the Lord. A fervent Christian is someone who is on fire for the Lord. He is ready and red-hot about what he does for the Lord.

We should be fervent in our sermons.

Apollos was fervent in spirit as he spoke and taught the things of the Lord. He was a fiery preacher. Fiery preaching stirs our heart to do something for the Lord. Fiery preaching preaches against sin. Fiery preaching seeks to keep people from dying and going to Hell. Fiery preaching moves us to action. Paul told Timothy to stir up the gift of God that was in him. John Wesley used to say, “I just set myself on fire, and people come to watch me as I burn.”

We should be fervent in service.

Paul said, “Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord.” We should not drag our feet when it comes to serving the Lord. We should not treat anything that we do for the Lord as beneath our dignity or out of question for us to do. It is a sin to be lazy and slothful. God’s work should not be neglected to where it is overgrown with weeds and nettles. We should be the first to volunteer. We should start with the intent of doing it well and finishing it. We should start with the intent of producing results. We should start with the idea of bringing people with us who can learn and catch the zeal. Being fervent in service is stirring up the dust behind us. Fervent service is service with a can-do attitude.

We should be fervent in our supplication.

Epaphras labored fervently in his prayers for the saints at Colossae that they would stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. Fervent praying is wrestling in our prayers for the spiritual well-being of other Christians. It is praying that is bold and in faith. It is praying that is persistent and does not take "no" for an answer. It is praying in the Spirit and allowing the Holy Spirit to convey our hearts to God. Fervent praying is like Jacob wrestling with the angel at Peniel. Fervent praying is like Jesus praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Fervent praying is praying with intensity.

Are you a Christian who is “boiling over” or fervent for the Lord? Has the enthusiasm and energy dissipated for reaching the lost, serving others, and being a blessing? If so, then maybe it’s time we ask the Lord to rekindle a new fire and intensity for Him. Look at your fire, and do something this morning that will set your soul on fire for the Lord again.

Have a fervent God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Nehemiah 4-6

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