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Much Fruit

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. ~John 15:8


This past year, some of my church members who have fruit trees had a very abundant harvest of lemons. In fact, they had so many lemons that they were giving much of it away to friends. For the owners of the trees, it can be said that this was a year of much fruit. Much fruit is the evidence of a healthy tree. Much fruit is a great delight to the own who owns it. This morning, let us consider the application of much fruit bearing in the life of every believer.

We see the secret.

Every fruit-bearing life is the result of a deeply engrafted relationship and walk with God. Jesus said, “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” Without a close, abiding relationship in the Lord Jesus Christ, we cannot be Christians who can bear much fruit. Abiding in Christ involves much time in the Word of God and allowing it to transform our life on a moment-by-moment basis. It includes long, earnest, and intimate seasons of prayer with God. Just as a healthy branch is connected to a vine that is deeply rooted in the earth, so must the Christian life be deeply rooted in Christ. Much fellowship, much fruit; little fellowship, little fruit.

We see the success.

A successful Christian life brings forth much fruit. There is the fruit of the Spirit, which is the overflow of a life controlled by the Spirit of God. There are the consistent and powerful answers to prayer. There are the souls that are saved from a consistent and powerful witness. There is the ability to love people on the level that Jesus loved people. It is the ability to love the unlovable. It is the ability to love those who hate you and do adverse things against you. A life that bears much fruit is the only kind of Christian life that is successful.

We see the substantiation.

A fruit-bearing life is the greatest testimonial of the fact that you are a true disciple of Jesus Christ. It demonstrates that you practice being in God’s presence. It demonstrates that you are a perfect facsimile of Who Jesus is. It represents that you are serious about the Christian life. It is showing that you have taken up your cross and are following Him!

We see the sustainability.

God desires that the fruit we bring forth remains. It is fruit that is long-lasting. It is a life that is fruit bearing in all seasons of life. Fruit that remains gives honor to God.

We see the satisfaction.

A life that bears much fruit gives glory to God. Our number one purpose in life is to give glory to God! “Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit.” As we consider this, a life that is not bringing forth much fruit is not doing much to glorify God. Thus, the Christian life is such that we must bring ourselves into alignment with God’s will that we bear much fruit for His glory. Anything less than this is a dishonor to God.

Are you bearing much fruit for the Lord? There is a correlation between our fellowship with God and our fruitfulness for God. Take some time this morning to evaluate what kind of fruit-bearing Christian you are. Make it your desire to bear much fruit and to testify that you are His disciple!

Have a fruitful God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Chronicles 9-11

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