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  • Writer's pictureAlan Fong

On Top of Your Game

Today’s Verse:

Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; ~1 Peter 5:2


Can be said that you are on top of your game? In other words, you perform at your maximum best. In secular terms, it implies being unbeatable at what you do. You are the absolute best at what you do and are the benchmark for others. In 1 Peter 5:1-4, Peter put in writing how all of us, and pastors specifically, can be on top of our game when it comes to serving the Lord and His people.

We must be evangelistic.

“The elders which are among you I exhort, who am also an elder, and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed….” We must keep at the forefront of our thoughts that we are to be thoroughly committed to soulwinning. Peter referred to being a witness of the sufferings of Christ. Peter was a great soulwinner. He was quick to seize opportunities to proclaim the gospel. Be sure soulwinning is always a forethought and not an afterthought.

We must be engaged.

“Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof.” We are to be actively engaged, or involved, with the people we serve. First, we are to be concerned for their spiritual welfare, their walk with God, and their growth in the Word. Second, we are to take charge. This means to be proactive, to take responsibility, and to be a visible, upfront leader. Being engaged means our leadership must be active, ardent, and alert.

We must be enthusiastic.

Peter said that our service should be willing and of a ready mind. Service should never be, “I have to,” but, “I want to.” There is to be liveliness, eagerness, zeal, promptness, and speed. Leaders and servants of God should go the extra mile, do more than others, and exceed expectations. There should be no hesitancy in us about any task, responsibility, or endeavor to be done. A willing mind means we are ready to respond and deliver. No task is too big or too small. They are all opportunities to expand the work of the Lord and help others go farther in their faith.

We must be ethical.

“Not for filthy lucre....” Our motive in serving is not for financial gain or to take advantage of others. Leaders and servants of God must avoid at all cost morphing into a hireling mentality. Gehazi was a servant who served for filthy lucre. Judas was ensnared by filthy lucre which drowned him in destruction and perdition. The prosperity gospel has produced a breed of “for-profit prophets” who are building their own kingdoms at the expense of the flock of God. Be ethical, honest, truthful, and accountable.

We must be exemplary.

“...Being ensamples to the flock.” Leaders show the way and go the way. Leaders and model servants are men “whose faith follow.” We are to be examples of the joy of the Lord in our life, being Spirit-filled, warriors of prayer, holy men of God, tactfulness, initiative, a positive spirit, endurance, and faith. People do what people see. If what they see turns them off, then we have failed. Being on top of our game means we are committed to performing beyond 100%. Don’t settle for status quo, mediocrity, or below-average performance. Be an over-the-top servant of the Lord!

Have a top-shelf God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Colossians 1-4

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