Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: ~1 Peter 1:7
We have been reflecting on things that are precious. We have reflected on Jesus Who is precious, the Seed which is precious, and the things of Heaven which are precious. This morning, we are reflecting on our faith which is more precious than gold.
A faith that is being tried is a faith that is under fire. A trial is a testing that is divinely appointed. It is a custom-designed affliction, problem, and difficulty that occurs in the life of every child of God. It is never a matter of if a trial will come, but rather when the trial will come. James describes our trials as "divers," meaning that they are different. Living for the Lord means trials are sent our way. Trials can be short-term, and they can also be long-term. There is no area of a person’s life that is unaffected by a trial. Someone has said that a faith that cannot be tested is a faith that cannot be trusted.
God sends us trials to teach us patience. The trying of our faith worketh patience. Trials teach us to wait on God. Someone said that there are two kinds of Christians. There are those who wait on God, and there are those who make God wait. Trials are sent to purge us of sin. They are called "fiery" trials because the fire is needed to burn away the dross or embedded scum in our life. Trials are needed to grow us in the grace of the Lord. It is during a trial where we discover how God’s grace is sufficient for our suffering. We discover how God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. A trial reinforces that "all things work together for good to them that love God." God’s reason for trials is for our spiritual benefit.
A faith that is tried is more precious than gold that perishes. Trials in this life are for the future purpose of being found unto the praise, honor, and glory of the Lord at His appearing. There is a crown of life promised to everyone who endures his God-appointed trial. Trials are appointed to us so that we can give God the glory. What the world might call "bad," God calls it "good." What the world might call a "tragedy," God calls it "trust." What the world calls a "problem," God calls it a "privilege." As Job said, we "shall come forth as gold." We are purified and made a better vessel for God’s glory through a trial.
A precious faith is one that is proven through fiery trials. It demonstrates to a lost world that there is a God in Heaven Who loves us and takes care of His own. Don’t despise your faith like Esau who despised his birthright and sold it for a bowl of lentil soup. You’ve been bought with a price. Let’s be certain to glorify God in our body and in our spirit, which are God’s. Don’t let your faith be weak or wasted away. Cherish what God brings your way, and honor him with a precious faith!
Bible Reading Schedule: Ecclesiastes 9-12