Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
And the LORD said unto Joshua, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you. Wherefore the name of the place is called Gilgal unto this day. ~Joshua 5:9
There are places in the Bible that hold great significance for us. Bethlehem is the birthplace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jerusalem is significant as the location of Solomon’s Temple and the city of God. Calvary is the place where Jesus was crucified. Peniel is the place where Jacob wrestled with the angel of God, and his name was changed to Israel. One location that is not referred to often, but is a significant place, is Gilgal. The name Gilgal means to "roll away." It has the idea of something large being rolled to another direction. This morning, let us see the importance of things that we need to roll away.
Gilgal is a place of confrontation. This first time it is mentioned is in regards to the reinstatement of the circumcision of the men. This practice was instituted as part of the Abrahamic covenant. It distinguished the Hebrews from the heathen. It was also a purification practice. When the Israelites had crossed over Jordan and arrived at Gilgal, this practice needed to be reinstated. It had not been practiced for forty years. They could not enter Jericho until they did this. When we see the other times where Gilgal is mentioned, it is frequently a place where God confronts His people. At Gilgal, God confronts us. He confronts us about our neglect, our sin, our practices, and our faithfulness. It could be that today might be God’s Gilgal in your life.
At Gilgal, the practice of circumcision was reinstated. This involved a surgical procedure on the male. It had to be prompt and personal, and it was painful. This cutting is a picture of what we must do to our flesh. Our flesh is symbolic of our selfish, lustful, and uninhibited nature. It needs to be put to death every day. Our flesh is very strong and stands in the way of our spiritual progress. It hurts when the flesh is put to death. It halts us when our flesh is put to death. Israel had to rest at Gilgal until the men were well enough to move forward. However, it helps us when the flesh is put to death. The sharp knife of God’s Word is the needed instrument to cut away at our sinful flesh.
The word Gilgal is also translated “commit.” To commit means to roll away. “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass” (Psalm 37:5). Committing something to God is rolling it into His care and custody. We are required to commit our way to Him. What a blessing to know that God is willing to take our needs as we roll it to Him instead of trying to solve things in our limited power. Whatever it is that is pressing you down, roll it to the Lord!
The next stop after Gilgal was Jericho. Gilgal is where the reproach and scorn of Egypt was finished. They would never look back at Egypt. The stopping point of Gilgal is where they ate the manna from the wilderness for the last time. Afterwards, God would care for them in the land of promise. At Gilgal, everything they needed to do prior to entering Jericho was done. Gilgal is where God prepares us. Gilgal is where God completes us. It is there we are ready to take on our next big opportunity.
It’s time to roll away! To roll away the sins and troubles that are holding us back. To roll away to the Lord our concerns and to be sure of His perfect will for us. What do you need to roll away to the Lord?
Bible Reading Schedule: Numbers 26-27