Alan Fong
Step by Step
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. ~Psalm 37:23
I have a watch that was given to me by my son. It has an activity monitor that keeps track of the steps that I make every day. It tells me when I have achieved a certain number of steps and congratulates me when I hit or exceed a target number that is good for me. Whether I am walking or running, my progress is measured in steps. Would you consider with me our lives step by step?
There is the difficulty.
David was addressing someone who was having a tough time with people who were adversarial to him. In the opening verses, he exhorts this person to “fret not.” We tend to fret, complain, worry, and become overwhelmed when we are criticized or things seem to be going upside down. We feel like things are spiraling out of control, and we want to fix our problem. The reality of the situation is that some difficulties do not go away quickly. They linger, and they cause us to lose our appetite and have sleepless nights. We lose focus, and we find ourselves wanting to take matters into our own hands. If this is you, Psalm 37 is the medicine that you need.
There is the doctrine.
We see the doctrine of the providence of God. Providence is the invisible and almighty hand of God supervising the affairs and direction of our life. It is God leading the way. It is the light of God leading me through a dark cavern. Though the path is rocky, darkened, and narrow, there is enough light to lead me step by step. David proclaimed that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. The good man is a man who is saved. The good man is a man who has entrusted his affairs and life into God’s hands.
There is the dynamic.
The steps of this man are programmed steps. They are ordered by the Lord. They are protected steps. David said, “Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down.” They are progressive steps. “The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps shall slide.” So, this man is exhorted to place his faith in God for every step. David tells him, “Trust in the LORD,” “Delight thyself also in the LORD,” “Commit thy way unto the LORD,” “Rest in the LORD,” and “Wait patiently for him.” The Lord has ordered his steps! “But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD: he is their strength in the time of trouble.”
There is the delight.
“He delighteth in his way.” He has accepted the path that God has laid for him. He has peace and security in knowing that God is in control. “Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace.” This man learns step by step that he is protected and provided for. He is never left alone. He is satisfied that God is with him all the time.
Life is a step by step journey. Enjoy the journey that God has for you. Take each step as a new marker in life. Grow in faith as you learn to trust God for your life. Let your footprints be a testimony that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.
Have a blessed God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Matthew 26