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  • Writer's pictureAlan Fong

The Burning Bush

Today’s Verse:

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. ~Exodus 3:2


There are some amazing, breathtaking, awesome wonders of God’s creation to behold. There are the illuminating Northern Lights near the Arctic. There is the thundering Niagara Falls. There is Mt. Everest which seems to reach into the heavens. There is the darkness of the ocean depths where only robotic cameras can capture this ocean beauty. There are the enchanting rain forests of Belize and Costa Rica. Perhaps the strangest and most awesome wonder was when Moses saw a burning bush. What he saw was a bush that burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed.

There was the EXTRAORDINARY.

Moses had been in the wilderness for forty years, caring for the sheep of Jethro. He knew the backside of the Sinai desert like the back of his hand. He saw something that day that was unforgettable. A bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. It was so awesome that he said, “I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt.” Little did he know that this would be the first of many awesome wonders he would be privileged to see. It was a vital lesson that day of God’s power and might. It would embed itself into his thoughts: there is nothing that God cannot do. It would bolster his faith during times of weakness that God will do His work, anywhere, and with anyone. It was a lesson that God can take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. God will take the natural to do something supernatural. Little is much when God is in it!

There was the ESSENCE.

This bush burned with fire and it was not consumed. Within moments, the voice of the Lord spoke to Moses and called him by name. Not only did it call him by name, but it told him to take off his shoes because the ground he stood on was holy ground. This burning bush gave Moses a lesson on the attributes of God. First, the burning bush symbolized the everlasting and infinite nature of God. God is eternal. God is forever and ever. We must think and live in view of eternity. Second, the burning bush symbolized the holiness of God. Our God is a consuming fire. His holiness demands our complete reverence and worship. Moses needed to take off his sandals there so that nothing filthy would be allowed near God, but also so that Moses’ bare feet could touch and feel the presence of the Holy One. Here’s the thought: if we do not understand Who God is, we cannot appropriate what God will do through us. Are you in awe with Who God is this morning?

There was the ELECTION.

God told Moses that He heard and knew of the affliction that Israel was suffering. God was expressing His sympathy and love for His people. When God said this, it stirred the fire that had diminished in Moses’ heart for his own people. It was then that God called Moses and told him that he would be the one whom God was sending to deliver Israel out of Egyptian bondage. Moses got his calling, his job description, and comforting assurance that God would see him through this commission. The sight of this burning bush became an unforgettable day in the life of Moses. This 80-year-old man who had mellowed out quite a bit over 40 years was at the place where God could use him effectively. Moses did not feel qualified, but he would learn that whom God calls, God equips for service.

The sight and the voice of a burning bush is not limited to Moses. God shows Himself strong to each of us if we would take time to journey to the backside of a desert, where it is just God and us. If you will turn aside to see this great sight, it will be an unforgettable and life-changing moment.

Have an epic God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 23-24

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