Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it. ~John 2:5
We live in a very consumer-oriented society that places great emphasis on service. World-class businesses and organizations know that their sustainability is tied to quality service and an excellent brand. Service is always associated with the brand name. People are paid to deliver good service. However, in the spiritual realm, service for our Lord is defined as doing the will of God from the heart (Ephesians 6:6). How good of a servant are you? Are you a servant who has a “can-do” attitude? This morning, let us see the blessing that comes from a servant with a “can-do” attitude.
The word used for servants in our passage this morning is the word “diakonos.” It has the idea of a king’s servant. It has the meaning of someone who is obligated to serve another person with intensity, industriousness, and integrity. Diakonos implies that the servant is under the command of his master. It is the same word where we get our word deacon from. Our starting point in service is that we serve the Creator of the universe, the King of kings, and the Almighty God. The concept for service is not a secular, watered-down meaning, but one that has great significance. It demands that there is excellence in fulfillment and complete accountability on the part of the servant. In short, the word diakonos implies a servant who has a “can-do” attitude.
Mary told the servants of the house, “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” These servants came to the realization that their greatest accountability was to the Lord Jesus. They were given a powerful job description. They were not to question what they were told to do. They were not to modify what they were told to do. They were not to shirk from what they were told to do. In simple terms, they were told, “Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it.” Have a “can-do” attitude! Do it without reservation. Do it without a bad attitude. Do it without creating a morale problem with the other servants. You are under command of the Lord. Obey Him, and do it.
The servants were told to fill six water pots with water. These were very heavy water pots that could hold 14-21 gallons of liquid. They were not given an explanation. They were simply told to fill these six water pots of stone with water. They had to carry the water pots to the water source, fill them up to the brim and carry them back. There was substantial compliance on their part. They did what was expected of them and left no reason for questioning. People today cut corners, procrastinate, and underperform in their duties. These servants, on the other hand, demonstrated how a "can-do" attitude involves substantial compliance.
The servants were then told to draw out the contents of the water pots and to carry it to the governor of the feast. When they did, they saw the expression on his face as he drank of it. The water had become freshly squeezed grape juice. The servants knew what had happened. They knew that the Lord Jesus transformed the water. These servants demonstrate how obedience always precedes faith. In obeying the Lord’s command, these servants knew a supernatural transformation had occurred. A “can-do” attitude results in the blessing of knowing that the Lord is doing something for us. I think that these servants looked forward to serving the Lord Jesus again at a future date because of the anticipation of greater miracles.
Do you have a “can-do” attitude when it comes to serving the Lord? Don’t discount yourself from the Lord’s blessings. Get a right spirit when it comes to serving the Lord. Say, "I can do it!"
Bible Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 21-22
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