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  • Writer's pictureAlan Fong

The Field of the Slothful

Today’s Verse:

I went by the field of the slothful, and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding; And, lo, it was all grown over with thorns, and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall thereof was broken down. ~Proverbs 24:30-31


One of my favorite church ministries is our soulwinning ministry. I thoroughly enjoy going into various neighborhoods and meeting people we can give the gospel to and invite to church. While out on soulwinning, I get to see many houses and their landscaping. There are homes that are very well-kept with immaculate gardens. There are some gardens that are incredibly beautiful and show indication that the owner or a landscaper has spent some diligent time working on it. There are other homes whose front yards show months and, even, years of decay and neglect. I am thinking of one home I passed by recently where the shrubs and bushes were allowed to overgrow to the point where it was impossible to walk to the front door. These neglected homes show indication of someone who has been slothful concerning their care. This morning, we are looking at the field of the slothful.

There is the condition of slothfulness.

Slothfulness is when there is a complacency and lack of concern for something or someone. Slothfulness is marked by a slow, lazy, and apathetic attitude towards things that require our attention. Slothfulness is the bane to opportunity. It is not moved by changes in weather, market conditions, wear and tear, or other factors that affect property, a program, a person, or a possibility. A slothful person is unmotivated by a pressing need that requires immediate attention. Slothfulness is characterized by inactivity, absenteeism, and non-commitment. Solomon stated that he went by the field of the slothful. This field had glaring traits that branded it as a field that was sorely neglected by unconcern.

There are the consequences of slothfulness.

Solomon saw a field that was overgrown with thorns and nettles. The stone wall was broken down. This field became undesirable. This field became non-productive. This field indicated that the owner or renter did not care about its condition. It became unsafe and perhaps, even, uninhabitable. Slothfulness is a state of constant procrastination. Slothfulness is indifference to appearance and profitability. In the parable of the talents, the one servant dug a hole, hid his master’s talent in the earth, and thought that he was doing his master a favor. When reckoning time came, his master rebutted the excuses of this servant. Then, he accused this servant of being slothful and wicked. Slothfulness deprived this servant of future reward and opportunities. Slothfulness is slow death. It will kill a marriage and the proper raising of a family. It will result in poverty and lack of provision when it will be needed the most. It will kill evangelistic and soulwinning programs. It will kill enthusiasm for a church vision. It can make a lively church a lukewarm church instantly. Slothfulness is an insidious disease.

There is the cure for slothfulness.

First, we must be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord. Second, we should endeavor to do all things for the glory of God. Third, we should serve the Lord from our heart, knowing this is His will for us. Fourth, we must remember that the King’s business requires haste. You should place a timeline on everything you are assigned and get it done by that date. Leave nothing that is important open-ended as to completion. Endeavor to do all things well and to do them diligently. Establish short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals, and measure your accomplishments by checking them weekly. Be accountable to someone who will make you accomplish these projects. Keep in mind that slothfulness is a sin and must be nailed to the cross daily.

Get busy, get going, and get things done!

Have a diligent God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Matthew 24-25

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