Alan Fong
The Joy of Titus
Today's Verse:
Therefore we were comforted in your comfort: yea, and exceedingly the more joyed we for the joy of Titus, because his spirit was refreshed by you all. ~2 Corinthians 7:13
Are you thankful for friends who are a breath of fresh air in your life? Several years ago, my wife was diagnosed with cancer for a third time. It was completely unexpected and was a dark time for both of us. The Lord sent a man who was a member of a church I have preached at and whose pastor is a very dear friend of mine. For thirty days, this man came alongside of me as a friend and prayer warrior to spiritually refresh me. He was like a Titus. This morning, would you consider with me the joy of Titus?
We see Titus and his role.
Titus was a disciple of the Apostle Paul. In fact, he also became one of the preachers whom Paul prepared. Titus was a disciple who was dependable. We see him as a go-to man for Paul. Paul once left him on the island of Crete to ordain elders in every city of that island. Paul sent him to the Corinthian church to comfort them. Interestingly, his name means “nurse.” You might say he came to the bedside of hurting Christians and nursed them back to health. He is a picture of how every Christian is to have a comforting role in the life of other people. Do people find comfort from your life and ministry?
We see Titus and his responsibility.
Paul could not be with the Corinthian church, and thus Titus was sent to comfort them. Amazingly, Titus was encouraged by the good spirit of the Corinthians and their concern and care for Paul. Titus took time to refresh and encourage these fellow believers, but they in turn refreshed him as well. When we take the initiative to encourage and comfort those who are hurting, we find that this does us as much good as it does to them. It teaches us how to empathize with others. It teaches us how to have a ministering spirit. It causes us to be humble and to approach the situation with a spirit of meekness. Our greatest responsibility is not how we look in public, but how effective we are in private.
We see Titus and his report.
Paul said, “The more joyed we for the joy of Titus.” Titus was refreshed that the Corinthians were possessed with a spirit of humility and service. His report to Paul was that these people were filled with great joy. “They were a comfort to me as much as I tried to comfort them.” His report testified of believers who allowed God’s grace to work in them. They grew through their trial. They had remorse over a brother whose sin they had not dealt with until Paul rebuked them. They had sorrow that they disappointed the Lord. They were happy that Titus came on Paul’s behalf. His report told Paul, “They are doing well!”
There is no greater joy than to know our spiritual children walk in truth. There is no greater joy than to know that brethren who were struggling have overcome the bondage of bitterness and have found freedom by forgiving those whom they had a bad spirit towards.
Do you have the joy of Titus in your life? Do you seek the best in the spiritual welfare of others? Do you comfort those who are struggling in their faith?
Have a comforting God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Joshua 5-8