Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance. ~Psalm 89:15
There are certain sounds that are “music to our ears.” I think of the music that is played as a bride makes her entrance to meet her groom at the altar. I think of the cry of a newborn baby. I think of horns that are sounded to celebrate a major event. I think of the sound of gospel hymns being played on a grand piano before a church service. These are joyful sounds. The psalmist proclaimed, “Blessed is the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance.” There are four joyful sounds that encourage us to walk in the light.
“In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted.” The word “alleluia” is two Hebrew words that mean “praise the Lord.” The sound of praise is God’s people lifting their voices together in song. When God’s people sing “How Great Thou Art,” “All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name,” or “Crown Him with Many Crowns,” we cannot refrain ourselves from singing with loudness and from the depths of our hearts. The sound of praise is God’s people saying “Amen” or “Alleluia” when something is read or said about our salvation, God’s greatness, God’s glory, or God’s name. Do you love the sound of praise?
Saved people desire to hear the preaching of God’s Word. We know the sound of preaching because it is authoritative. We know the sound of preaching because it is convicting. We know the sound of preaching because it stirs our hearts and moves us to do something for the Lord. The sound of preaching brings us to church every time there is a service or a special conference. Preaching is when the preacher blows the trumpet and cries aloud. Do you love the sound of preaching?
God promises to bless praying when two or more are gathered together in His name and agree on the matter that they are praying about. The sound of prayer preceded the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost. The sound of prayer preceded the power of the Spirit and great boldness in preaching the gospel. The sound of prayer was the church making request for Peter’s deliverance from prison. Whether together as a group or individually, the sound of prayer is God’s people calling on the Lord to do great and mighty things, which we knowest not. Do you love the sound of prayer?
This is when a sinner calls on the name of the Lord to be saved. I have had the privilege to officiate the memorial services of men and ladies who were saved through my ministry. It is a blessing and joy to hear people in attendance call on the Lord to save them when the invitation is given. A few weeks ago, I had the privilege to explain the gospel and help a lady receive Christ as her Saviour. It was a joyful sound to hear her call on Jesus to be her Saviour.
Those who know the joyful sound walk in the light of God’s countenance. They walk in the light as He is in the light. Do you know the joyful sound?
Have a joyful God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Isaiah 42-44