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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

The People of God

Today's Verse:

But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. ~1 Peter 2:9-10


The word "nation" describes a band of people united by a commonality. That commonality could be political idealism, ethnicity, or religious persuasion. The Christians whom Peter was writing to are introduced to us as "strangers and pilgrims." They were either Jewish or Gentile by birth. When these people got saved, they entered into the family of God and became members of a local New Testament Baptist Church. With the onset of persecution, they were forced to scatter for their safety. Thus, the term "strangers and pilgrims" best described them. In spite of their origin at birth, they did not feel like they fit in any more with society because of their belief and faith in Jesus Christ. They had a new distinction: they were the people of God or a holy nation. This morning, we are looking at what it means to be the people of God.


We see a forgiven identity.

Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. Before we were saved, we were outcasts from God. We were spiritual vagabonds under the penalty of sin and on our way to Hell. When we individually placed our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, we were freed from the bondage of sin. We were forgiven of all our sins. That’s why Peter could say, “Which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.” We are the recipients of eternal mercy. We can be thankful today that we have a spiritual identity marked by the forgiveness of all our sins.


We see the Father’s intimacy.

We are referred to as "a royal priesthood." This one phrase underscores the priesthood of every believer. When we got saved, God gave us the privilege of approaching Him directly through the blood of His Son the Lord Jesus. We do not have to go through another mediator or a man who calls himself a priest. We have the privilege of the Father’s intimacy. We can enjoy the sweetness of fellowship with our Heavenly Father directly. He walks with me and talks with me and tells me I am His own. We should be thankful that we can have sweet, intimate fellowship with our Father in Heaven without having to go through a go-between.


We see the fervent intensity.

We are commissioned to show forth the praises of Him Who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. The idea of showing forth means that we are children of light to the lost and can point them to Christ. The hope for this world is the people of God telling the unsaved of their need of the Savior. Since the day I got saved, I have never gotten over telling people of their need for Christ. The people of God are to be marked by their soulwinning fervor. Showing forth means we should keep the light burning at all times of the day. Let your light shine as the people of God.


We see the faith immensity.

We are a people of faith. Our faith is to be big and not small. Our faith is to be unlimited and not limited. We are to ask God great things in faith. We are to trust God and make big steps in faith. We have a mighty God who delights in showing Himself strong through the exercise of great faith.


We are the people of God, a holy nation. We are not moved and swayed by the idealisms of a world that is going against God. Instead, we are to walk, live, and practice lives that show, without any equivocation, that we are a set-apart people who live for God’s glory. We are the people of God!


Have an evangelistic God Morning!


Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Chronicles 28-29

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