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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

The Poor Man Cried

Today's Verse:

This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. ~Psalm 34:6


The word "poor" describes someone who has little to nothing. It has the idea of not being able to afford much of anything. Someone poor is dependent upon other people for sustenance and support. Being poor is humbling and embarrassing. This morning, we are looking at an incident in the life of David where he describes himself as being poor.


We see David and his desperation.

David was in desperate straits. Saul was hunting David like a wild animal. Everywhere Saul went, he had a javelin in his hand ready to be hurled at David. By describing himself as poor, David was describing his disadvantage. He had no money; he had no place where he could permanently hide; he had very few people whom he could trust; and he was greatly afraid of being killed. He lived day by day like how a poor man lived. He could not plan very far ahead because he could barely see past the next hour. When problems that appear unsolvable or circumstances that appear hopeless come our way, we are like a poor man desperate for help.


We see David and his determination.

David could only do one thing: he cried unto the Lord. When we have nothing, that is the time we realize God is all we have and God is all we need! He cried with urgency. He cried for intervention. He cried for this crisis to end. He cried for his life and the life of the men who gathered themselves to him. The best praying that you and I will ever do is when all we have is God. It is when the doctors and experts have given up. It is when the resources have dried up. David was determined to get a hold of God.


We see David and his deliverance.

"And the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." God was pleased to get involved and lead David to safety. God became his refuge and strength. David was safe in the Lord. He found a covering from the threats of his enemies. There was a bolstered confidence in David. There was an encouraged spirit in David. David found hope and strength to take him further.


We see David and a doctrine.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3). David learned the dynamic of being poor in spirit. He learned that he had access to the promises, power, and privileges of the kingdom of Heaven. What an inspiration to a king in the making! It made him realize that an earthly kingdom is transient. The kingdom of Heaven is eternal and forever. Being poor in spirit taught him how to pray with power. Being poor in spirit drew him closer to God. Being poor in spirit helped him to experience the resources of the Lord. Being poor in spirit builds character and faith. Being poor in spirit teaches us to pray with power. Being poor in spirit makes us completely dependent upon the Lord.


Are you poor in spirit? Are you leaning on things and people to get you through a difficult and desperate time? Why not make the decision to divest yourself of the crutches in life and cling to the Lord for your needs? Only then can you experience the greatness of the kingdom of Heaven in your life!


Have a humbled God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Deuteronomy 28-29

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