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The Power in the Blood

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. ~Ephesians 2:13


One of the great doctrines of the Bible is the efficacious power of the blood of Christ. When we read through the Bible, it is so clear that without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin. Take away the shed blood of Christ and our salvation is incomplete and insufficient. Let us see this morning the power that is in the blood of Christ.

We see the strained condition.

Paul is writing to the Gentile believers at the church at Ephesus. He describes the sinful condition of every man in relation to God before salvation. He said that they were “Gentiles in the flesh,” “uncircumcision,” “without Christ,” “aliens from the commonwealth of Israel,” “strangers from the covenant of promise,” “having no hope,” and “without God in the world.” In summary, he describes the strain in the condition between every sinner and God. To be without Christ is to be without hope! There is nothing in any man’s power, no good work that he can do, no membership that he can attain, and no payment that he can make to change his sinful condition. As our Lord Jesus Christ describes, we are condemned already.

We see the satisfying conciliation.

“But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.” Here, we see the power of Christ’s blood in making conciliation between us and God. We see that it was personal blood. Jesus shed His own blood for every sinner. We see the payment through the blood. Acts 20:28 tells us that He purchased us with His own blood. We see the purifying through the blood. First John 1:7 and Rev. 1:5 tell us that the blood of Christ washes and cleanses us from all sin. We see the peace from the blood. Col. 1:20 tells us that Jesus made peace for us through the blood of His cross. Jesus’ blood provided a satisfying conciliation between the sinner and God. It was a transaction that was once for all. It paid every sin debt in full. The hymn writer said, “Jesus paid it all. All to Him I owe. Sin had left a crimson stain; He washed it white as snow.”

We see the sustainable confidence.

The power of the blood keeps working on our behalf. First, we see the closeness that it gives us. We are made nigh by the blood of Christ. The strain is removed. We are no longer aliens, strangers, and without God. Second, the power of the blood gives us boldness to enter into God’s presence when it comes to prayer. “Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Hebrews 10:19). Third, the power of the blood protects us from the attacks of Satan. It is our shield and covering. The blood of Christ has saving power, sustaining power, shielding power, and ceaseless power.

Yes, there is power in the blood of Christ! Plead the blood over you when you pray. Remember that you are under its protective power as you live for God. Rejoice that it keeps on cleansing us from all sin.

Have a confident God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Nehemiah 10-11

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