Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament. ~Hebrews 7:22
The Bible uses some words that have financial and legal meaning. The word “imputation” is a financial word that means “to put a debt on the account of another person.” Our sin debt was placed on Jesus. The word “justification” means God looks at us “just as if we never sinned.” In a legal sense, that meaning is similar to the word “expunge.” Expunge means “to clear the criminal record of someone so that his record shows no history of a crime ever reported.” This morning, we are considering another powerful word that has a financial usage: the word “surety.”
We see the Person.
The emphasis is on Jesus, Who is God. He is God Who is infinite. Jesus is eternal and everlasting. He lives forever. He is Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is indescribable. He is Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, and the Prince of Peace. He is Almighty God, the Son of God, the Lord our Righteousness, the Lord our Banner, the Lord our Shepherd, the Bread of Life, the Living Water, and so much more. There are not enough names in our vocabulary that describe our Jesus. He is God incarnate. This means that He is God manifest in the flesh. He is the Word Who became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.
We see the performance.
“Jesus is the surety of a better testament.” A surety is someone who financially backs up and guarantees the debt of another person. The surety is a co-signor to a debt. A co-signor has full, legal responsibility for all financial obligations. First, the surety makes a pledge. He co-signs the promissory note and all other papers. He guarantees that the debt will be paid in full. Second, he makes full payment upon demand. He satisfies the debt in full. A testament is the written instructions of a deceased person as to the final disposition of his holdings at death. Jesus’ testament is His complete pledge and payment through His shed blood and death on the cross for every sinner. Jesus satisfied all of God’s demands for sin when He died on the cross for us. He gave a guaranteed performance as the sinner’s Surety.
We see the proclamation.
What does this mean for us as Christians? It is a reminder of how powerful the gospel message is. We see the announcement of the gospel. We proclaim that Christ died for every sinner. However, Christ died for every sinner as our Guarantor that our sins are paid in full, and that He took care of all legal responsibility to pay for our sins. Then, we see the ability of the gospel. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. The gospel power sets a sinner free from all his sin. The gospel is the power that gives us eternal life. We are ambassadors of the gospel message. We have a message that has absolutes and guarantees for the sinner. It is a compelling message that we must get out to every sinner.
Yes, Jesus is the sinner’s Surety. He guarantees forgiveness and eternal life to every sinner who comes to Him with repentance and faith. Use the analogy of the surety when you present the gospel to help a sinner see how powerful a gospel we preach.
Have a soulwinner’s God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Psalm 36-39