Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
Then sang Moses and the children of Israel this song unto the LORD, and spake, saying, I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously: the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea. ~Exodus 15:1
In addition to being a powerful leader, a servant of the Lord, a man of God, and a man of prayer, Moses was also a talented musician. He was a song leader and a song composer. We read of Moses leading Israel in a song of celebration after the crossing of the Red Sea. We read at the end of his ministry that he was instructed by God to write a song that he taught Israel to sing before he graduated to glory. In Exodus 15, we have the record of what is referred to as “the song of Moses.” This song followed on the heels of one of the greatest accomplishments God that performed for His people. This song is a song that the redeemed in Heaven will sing. Let us see some vital lessons from the song of Moses.
We see the words.
The words of this song are doctrinal. Doctrine is the set of teachings that defines what we believe. Unquestionably, the doctrine of God is all over this song. We see God Who is Lord, God Who is powerful, God Who is holy, God Who is glorious, God Who fights for us, and God Who always wins. The words of this song are devotional. Moses and Israel are expressing their love and praise to God. God made us to express ourselves through singing. Holy singing has God as its object and priority. I think of Colossians 3:16, which tells us that the Word of Christ should dwell in us richly, singing with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs and Ephesians 5:19, which tells us to sing and make melody in our hearts to the Lord.
We see the witness.
Singing is a powerful witness and testimony of God’s mighty working in our life. The crossing of the Red Sea is a beautiful picture of our salvation. God made a way of escape for the Israelites through a large body of water. The Israelites had to have faith that God would save them. Some of the greatest hymns we sing today testify of our salvation in Christ. I think of “At Calvary,” “Heaven Came Down,” “I Stand Amazed,” “Jesus Saves,” “Redeemed,” “Since Jesus Came into My Heart,” and many more. The song of Moses testifies how the people of Edom, Moab, and Canaan would be amazed, tremble, and melt away as they learned of the mighty hand of God on behalf of His people. Vibrant gospel singing paves the way for sinners to hear God’s Word and be saved.
We see the worship.
The right kind of singing is the worship of God. It is when, with all of our heart, we are acknowledging God’s greatness, power, goodness, holiness, and help for us. It is a means by which we demonstrate from our hearts and voices our adoration and love for God. Moses sang about the Lord being his strength and song. He sang about God being glorious in power. He sang about the greatness of His excellency. “Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods?” God is pleased with singing that is spiritual and that directs its praise to Him. I think of hymns like “All Hail the Power,” “Crown Him with Many Crowns,” How Great Thou Art,” “Praise Him, Praise Him,” and many more that give glory to our Lord and adore Him. Singing is an integral and non-negotiable component of worship.
When you got saved, God put a new song into your heart, even praise unto our Lord. Is your heart filled with praise and adoration that exalts our Lord? Like Moses, let’s sing!
Have a song-filled God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Proverbs 4-6