Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. ~Philippians 2:8
In mathematics, we use certain terms to describe calculated results. For multiplication, two numbers multiplied together gives us a product. For division, two numbers divided together give us a quotient. When there is a subtraction of one number from another number, the result is called the difference. When there is an addition, one number added to another number gives us a sum. We get our word summary from sum. In our devotion this morning, we see how the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ is summed up.
In His deity, the Lord Jesus Christ is 100% God and 100% Man. In every way, Jesus is equal with God. He is equal in power. He is equal in attribute. He is equal in involvement. In every way, Jesus is Eternal God. He is infinite. He is from everlasting to everlasting. In every way, Jesus is essential as God. The entire Godhead (Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit) is essential in every facet of what goes in our live. In every way, Jesus is perfect God and perfect Man.
He was made in the likeness of man. He was found in fashion as a Man. Jesus became a Man through a virgin birth. A virgin birth was necessary so that He would enter into this world with a sinless nature. A sinless nature is an absolute necessity. Without a sinless Christ, the atonement for sins could not be accomplished. Jesus became a Man but at all times was 100% God. As a Man, He experienced what we experience but was without sin. He experienced hunger, thirst, exhaustion, pain, sorrow, and eventually death. It’s amazing to think that our Lord understood everything that we go through in this life, but never at any time was there sin found in Him.
Jesus came to earth for one sole purpose: to give His life as the complete sacrifice for our sins. He "became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross." The God of all creation humbled Himself and took on the form of a Servant. Though He is Eternal King, He became just like His creation so that our sins could be paid in full through His death. Fathom the reality: Christ Jesus died for every sinner! The death of the cross sent shivers up the spine of anyone exposed to it. It was a death reserved for criminals. It was a humiliating death: the one being crucified would be stripped down to a loincloth and hang naked. It was a hurtful death: it was slow and agonizing. It was a hateful death: the cries of a sinful society would be hurled at the one being crucified. It was a heinous death. Jesus obeyed the Father’s will and died for every sinner.
In spite of the mission that Jesus came to perform, God has highly exalted Him! He is exalted in His name. His name is far above everyone else. He is Lord and King! At His name, every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. There is no escape from the fact that all will call Him Lord. All who revile Him now will, one day, declare Him as Lord.
Philippians 2:5-11 sums up Who Jesus is. Christmas is the reminder of one main purpose: the Son of God became the Son of man, so that sons of men could become sons of God!
Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Peter 1-5