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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Thou Art God Alone

Today’s Verse:

For thou art great, and doest wondrous things: thou art God alone. ~Psalm 86:10


Psalm 86 reminds me of the prayer of Jonah in Jonah 2, when he was in the belly of a whale. The psalmist described his plight as “the lowest hell” (v. 13). He was a man who was broken by adversity. It seems that those who hated him were putting him through the ringer. So, he prays. His prayer that is recorded is one of devotion, dependence, and development. He was experiencing “more grace” in his time of trial. God allowed adversity into his life to bring this man closer to Him. In his prayer, he said, “Thou art God alone.” Theologically, he knew this. But, it was through his praying that he experienced it.

We see that God alone is a given.

“Among the gods there is none like unto thee, O Lord; neither are there any works like unto thy works.” When things are going well for us, it is easy for us to become complacent and forget that He is God alone. We must be careful of things in our life receiving as much or more attention and focus than we give to God. We must be careful of any success that we attain, anything that we champion, or anything that we have made being worshipped above God. He is God alone in creation, God alone in Heaven, God alone is His eternality, and God alone in power and might.

We see God alone in His greatness.

“For thou art great, and doest wondrous things.” He is great in His mercy. We are not deserving of God’s mercies. Yet, His mercies are new every morning. His mercy endureth forever. He pours out His divine pity upon us over and over again. He is great in His forgiveness. It is overwhelming to think of how forgiving God is. John said that He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. He is great in His compassion. He desires that all men would be saved and would come unto the knowledge of the truth. He is moved with compassion towards the multitudes. God is not just good: God is great! In His greatness, He is incomparable. In His greatness, He is unconquerable. In His greatness, He does the impossible.

We see God alone in His guidance.

“Teach me thy way, O LORD; I will walk in thy truth: unite my heart to fear thy name.” We must have His guidance in everything that we do. We must pray for God to teach us His way. We must pray for Got to teach us to do His will. We must pray for Him to teach us how to pray. Being teachable is having a tender heart for God to show us. It is swallowing our pride and realizing that we do not have as good a handle on things as we think we do. It is realizing that without God’s direction, we will make a big mess out of things. Are you teachable? Do you ask God for His guidance in everything?

We see God alone in His glory.

“I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart: and I will glorify thy name for evermore.” He gets all the praise. He is deserving of our worship. His name is lifted up and adored. It is living our life in a moment-by-moment worship of God. It is a heart overflowing with gratitude and rejoicing. The greatest witness that we have for the Lord is giving Him glory. Let us be unashamed in giving Him glory. Let us be uninhibited in giving Him glory. Let us be unleashed in giving Him glory. For Thou art God alone!

Have a God-only God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Isaiah 5-8

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