Alan Fong
Throughly Furnished
Today’s Verse:
That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. ~2 Timothy 3:17
When I go on vacation, we enjoy using our timeshare at a distant location which allows us the opportunity to live in a unit that is “fully furnished.” It has comfortable furniture for relaxation, sleeping, and dining. It has all the kitchen equipment for cooking. Being fully furnished provides us all the amenities we need to have an enjoyable time away. Paul uses the term “throughly furnished” to describe how God adequately equips us for His service.
We see the superior source.
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” Paul reminded Timothy that the one indispensable tool that God has given His servants for a powerful ministry is His Word. In vs. 15, he speaks about God’s Word being the Holy Scriptures. He further expands on this by explaining that all Scripture is God-breathed: it is supernatural in its origin. He speaks about its content being profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. The Word of God is able to make us wise unto salvation through faith in Christ. God’s Word is our authority for faith, practice, and living. God’s Word is timeless and is powerfully relevant for our sinful culture. God’s Word is powerful and is able to pierce and cut asunder the conscience and heart. God’s Word is wisdom that is from above that is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits. It is the exclusive source for our equipping.
We see the substantial supply.
“That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished.” David said about the sword of Goliath: “There is none like it, I’ll take that.” Everything we need to adequately and effectively serve the Lord comes from God’s Word. It gives us wisdom for problem solving. It gives us vision for looking ahead. It infuses us with fire and passion to do God’s work. It blesses us with compassion and mercy for people. It gives us faith for doing things that are incredible. It encourages us when we are discouraged. It refills us when we are depleted. It is the honey that opens our eyes with discernment. It is water that refreshes us when we are weary. It is the power of God unto salvation in any culture, any setting, and under any circumstances. It adequately and thoroughly equips us.
We see the successful service.
“Throughly furnished unto all good works.” I think many believers get easily frustrated when they do not see immediate fruit or results. I think many accept the lies of the devil that there are areas of service that they are not good in and should leave to someone else to do. Paul refutes every argument, excuse, and refusal by teaching us that we are thoroughly furnished unto all good works. “All good works” means any and all. There is no service or work for God that we cannot be adequately equipped for. You can be an effective teacher of God’s Word. You can work and be effective with children, teens, young adults, marrieds with children, and older adults. You can lead a Bible study and help others to grow. You can help a new believer become a thriving disciple of Christ. You can effectively explain the gospel and win souls to Christ. All of us can be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. Successful service is attainable and possible through God’s Word.
Could it be we that we have not accepted the absolute authority of God’s Word working through us unto all good works? Let God revive your heart in His Word and be throughly furnished today.
Have an equipped God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Job 29-31