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  • Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Treasure Checks

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. ~2 Corinthians 4:7


Pirates who sailed the open seas did so with the intent of robbing other ships of their cargo and passengers of their valuables. These valuables would be placed in a chest or wooden box container. This chest would then be locked up and buried off the shore of a remote island that was familiar to the pirates for future access. These chests would be referred to as "Treasure Chests." Years later when these chests were recovered and opened, there would be an immense amount of wealth, including coins, currency, jewelry, precious metals, and much more. This morning, we want to consider the "Treasure Chest" of the Christian life.

We see the picture.

The Christian life is pictured as an earthen vessel or a clay pot. These vessels were shaped and molded in the potter’s house. Upon completion by the potter, these vessels would be used as instruments of storage for dry or liquid goods. However, earthen vessels were fragile and subject to aging, breakage, and contamination. Earthen vessels had to be cared for and cleaned periodically. Earthen vessels describe the life of every believer. We are vessels and containers for the Master’s use. As vessels, we can be put to use or remain unused. As earthen vessels, we will be filled with useful contents or defiling contents. As earthen vessels, we are either unto honor or unto dishonor. What kind of vessel is your life?

We see a power.

"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us." The indwelling of the Holy Spirit makes our vessel one that is valuable. He is the “Treasure” that is the difference. By ourselves, we are limited and subject to failure. With the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, our life has a power that enables us, refreshes us, rekindles us, and empowers us. He is the Treasure that gives us strength when we are weak. He is the Treasure that gives us power to communicate and expand the gospel ministry. Without the Holy Spirit, we are like other men. With Him, we are men whom God can use in remarkable and life-changing ways.

We see a product.

With this treasure in earthen vessels, we go from being failures to successes. We go from being weak to being strong. We go from being unwise to wise. We go from being unproductive to productive. We go from being discouraged to being encouraged. We go from being unfruitful to being fruitful. We go from walking in the flesh to walking in the Spirit. We go from always having problems to having solutions. We have this treasure in earthen vessels!

Allow the Holy Spirit to have full access and control of your life. Fully utilize the treasure of His indwelling and filling to your spiritual advantage. Be emptied of defiling and hindering elements, and let the Holy Spirit encompass every part of your life. Don’t live your life as vessel that is limited; live your life as a vessel that is the Lord’s!

Have a “treasured” God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Kings 18-20

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