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Twist Your Tongue

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today's Verse:

I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me. ~Psalm 39:1


Have you ever tried to say a tongue twister? This is a phrase where the first letter of most or all of the words is the same letter. A more common and easier tongue twister is, “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!” This morning we are not considering tongue twisters, but rather the need for twisting our tongue. Solomon wisely tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” This morning, we are reminded of the importance of watching what comes out of our mouths.


There is the danger in our tongues.

Our tongues are described as unbridled members of our bodies. It is a world of iniquity and set on fire of hell. Our tongue is very often the means by which we express what is in our hearts. "For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh." Our tongues are not easy to control. David was very aware of his propensity to sin with his tongue. When we complain, we are sinning with our tongue. When we are cruelly critical, we sin with our tongue. When we are crass and crude in our speech, this is sin and it is unbecoming for a child of God. If we are prone to cussing, this is sin. Our words define our character. Our words test and often taint our testimony. What do your words and speech say about you?


There is the decision about the tongue.

“I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue.” David was in a difficult time. He had many uncertainties, and was being cruelly criticized by his enemies. However, David was fully cognizant about his testimony in the world. He knew if he let his flesh get the best of him, his credibility and testimony as king and a believer were destroyed. He was known for his faith and devotion to God. David makes a public declaration about his tongue. He declared he would be careful and not sin with his tongue. He learned it is better to be silent on a matter than to say whatever comes to your head. He learned to not let his perception distort the real picture. He learned it is better to commit his situation to the Lord and trust in God. He came to the conclusion the best thing for him to do was twist his tongue whenever there was an urge to say something negative.


There is the discipline of the tongue.

“I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me.” A bridle is an instrument that is strapped around a horse or a mule’s mouth so that the animal goes in the intended direction the rider wants to go in. It is a control device. David is speaking about the bridling of his mouth and tongue. It takes discipline to bridle our mouths and tongues. First, decide not to let the situation lead you to complain. Second, avoid people who have a critical spirit. Make no friendship with an angry man. Third, avoid discussions that can lead to opinions and criticism. The best course to take is to say “Let’s pray for him.” Fourth, have an attitude of praising the Lord. Fifth, develop the art of saying something good and positive.  Sixth, keep your heart from being a garbage receptacle for negative things.


Like David, we should twist our tongues. Guard your speech and tongue. Be careful that your good testimony is not destroyed by one wrongly timed statement or words.


Have a glorifying God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Judges 16-18

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