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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Voice Recognition

Today’s Verse:

The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty. ~Psalm 29:4


Technology has developed software that has the ability to recognize our voices. God has given each of us a voice that is unique to us. Each voice has a different pitch, tone, and sound that make us unique. Psalm 29 speaks to us about the voice of the Lord. David said that it is powerful and full of majesty. Do you recognize His voice when He speaks?

We see the means.

God speaks to us through His holy Word. God’s Word is God’s mind revealed to us in writing. Everything we need to counsel, instruct, lead, and warn us is found in His Word. God uses the pastor/preacher of a local church to speak to us. He is God’s vocal piece in declaring His Word to His local church. God speaks to us through godly, spiritual counsel of our parents and spiritual leaders. The Holy Spirit embeds the Word into our hearts and brings it to our memory at critical times. God uses more than one person within the space of a short period of time to reinforce a message He wants us to hear. The Bible says, “He that hath an ear, let him hear.” Are you listening for the voice of God?

We see the multitudes.

In vv. 5-9, David uses colorful images to show us how the Lord’s voice speaks to every person in our society. The voice of the Lord speaks to the depraved. The voice of the Lord is upon many waters. Water is a symbol of the people of the world: specifically, the unsaved. His voice reaches out to sinners to be saved. God loves the entire world and wants every sinner to get saved. The voice of the Lord speaks to the devoted. “The voice of the LORD breaketh the cedars; yea, the voice of the LORD breaketh the cedars of Lebanon.” These strong, stately trees symbolize those who are saved and whose spiritual desire points to heavenly things. God’s voice often has to break us so that we are humble. His voice divides the flames; that is, He does not let our fire become wildfire, dependent upon the wrong fuel. The voice of the Lord speaks to the deserter. “The voice of the LORD shaketh the wilderness.” His voice reaches to the one who is wandering far from Him. His voice reaches out to every person.

We see merchandise.

“The LORD sitteth upon the flood; yea, the LORD sitteth King for ever.” God speaks to us so that we acknowledge that He is in control. He speaks so that we give Him the glory. We live in a day when people want to be heard. They are impressed with wanting people to hear their voice instead of hearing God’s voice. We need to be still and know that He is God. Listen to the voice of the Lord today. Today, if you will hear His voice, harden not your hearts. Young Samuel understood the voice of the Lord even as he slept. He replied, “Here am I; for thou calledst me.”

Make sure you recognize God’s voice. Tune out the voices that are trying to distract you and keep you from hearing Him. His voice is powerful and majestic.

Have an attentive God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Samuel 9-12

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