Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak ~Matthew 26:41
Times of suffering and sorrow can be very difficult on anyone. It is during these settings that we can become very vulnerable to spiritual attack. These are also times in which we can become very disconnected with the reality of our situation and leave ourselves unprepared for further mishap. Jesus was in the Garden of Gethsemane. We see Him pouring His heart out in agony as He contemplated the terrible suffering that He would endure in just a few hours. This morning, we want to see some valuable lessons learned in the garden.
Jesus is described as being in intense sorrow. He described the turmoil that His soul was in as a cup of suffering. He was contemplating the cruel and heinous beating and, ultimately, the painful death that He would endure for the sins of the world. It weighed heavy on Him. His human side did not want to go through it. He was very stressed out. He was agonizing emotionally. He would be enduring the wrath of God for sin. His turmoil is a sobering reminder to us that there is no heartache, suffering, or sorrow that we could ever face that He did not experience.
After Jesus prayed, He went to where He had left Peter, James, and John. Sadly, He found them overtaken with sleep. They were not bothered about the sorrow that He was carrying in His bosom. They did not seem the least bit concerned that everything He had been telling them would come to pass. Do we ever consider the times that we also disappoint the Lord by our lack of concern toward what concerns Him? We are spiritually asleep when we should be working. We are spiritually asleep when we should be witnessing. We are spiritually asleep when we should be praying. It was as if everything that He had prepared them for was not even in their thoughts. What a disappointment when His disciples were not burdened about the things that burdened the Lord.
Jesus told them to watch and pray, lest they should enter into temptation. Temptation was waiting outside of the door of faith. They had set themselves up for a major failure, and Jesus knew it. "Watch and pray" is still the cry to every believer. Watch what the Lord is doing, and pray. Watch what the enemy is doing, and pray. Keep a vigilant eye out from being blindsided by the enemy, and pray. Keep a watchful eye from the tower, and pray. Temptation will catch us most when we are not keeping a careful eye. "Watch and pray" is still the word for the wise.
The cup would not pass from Him. The cross would have to be endured. The disciples had slept through the entire time that they were in the garden. Let us be careful that a "garden opportunity" does not become our "garden defeat." "The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak." We are one step away from temptation leading us into sin.
Watch and pray, even when you are unclear of the next set of events. Keep your eyes open, and stay vigilant by staying on your knees. Temptation is best defeated when we watch and pray.
Bible Reading Schedule: Numbers 35-36