Alan Fong
Yes, You Can!
Today’s Verse:
But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that accompany salvation, though we thus speak. ~Hebrews 6:9
A really good coach teaches, disciplines, and inspires. He patiently takes the time to help an individual achieve and excel in academics, artistry, sports, or a vocation. He is persuaded that his protégé can do more, go further, and attain new breakthroughs. Paul told believers who were struggling in their faith, “We are persuaded better things of you.” Yes, you can do better!
We see the confidence.
He had confidence in their salvation. He knew that they were saved and that God had begun a good work in them. Salvation is all the work of God and nothing of us. He was confident in the Scriptures. He knew that the Word of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart. He knew that the Word of God is quick and powerful. God’s Word makes us better. He was confident in the Holy Spirit. He knew that when we walk in the Spirit, we overcome the flesh. God sees potential in us even when we fail.
We see the competency.
He speaks about things that accompany salvation. These are the core competencies of the believer’s faith. There is the competency of witnessing and soulwinning. We must be careful that we keep witnessing and reaching the lost with the gospel foremost in what we do. There is the competency of faith. We walk by faith and not by sight. Faith and prayer go hand in hand. We must go further in our faith and prayer in asking God to do the impossible. There is the competency of exhorting one another in love and good works. We must remember that other believers are affected by our love for our Lord Jesus and His church.
We see the capacity.
Paul exhorted these believers to exercise patient diligence and not to become slothful or easily faint. Our capacity is the measurement of how far we can be stretched. We must exercise effort through our capacity. We are exhorted to be a people zealous of good works. God opens doors for those who are diligent. We must exercise endurance through our capacity. He uses the example of Abraham, who patiently endured. We must endure sin, setbacks, suffering, and scorners. We must exercise enthusiasm in our capacity. This is having a positive outlook in what God is doing in and through us.
We see the consolation.
In verse 18, he encourages us about the strong consolation that we have through our Lord. Paul was persuaded of better things because he knew that Jesus is praying for us. What a blessing that Jesus is always interceding on our behalf. Then, we have the consolation of knowing that our Lord Jesus is an anchor that is steadfast and sure. The society we live in is shifting academically, morally, politically, and spiritually. Jesus never changes! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. We can do better because Jesus never fails. We can do better because God is working in us. We can do better! Don’t go dormant or fall backwards. We are being cheered to do better things and things that accompany salvation.
Have an encouraged God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Psalms 58-65