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A Mother's Comfort

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem. ~Isaiah 66:13


One of the encouraging attributes of God is that He is the God of all comfort. This implies that there is no sorrow, trouble, or heartache that God cannot alleviate. Peter exhorts us to cast all your care upon Him, for He careth for you. Jesus exhorts us, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” The receiving of comfort is when someone else takes our burden and makes it their burden. This morning, as we celebrate Mother’s Day, we are reminded about one of the key attributes of a mother: a mother’s comfort.

We see the closeness.

One of the best descriptions of a mother’s comfort is when she nurses her child (1 Thessalonians 2:7). A child feels great closeness and security during nursing. As life and nourishment flows from the mother to the child, the child feels loved and complete. God made us to be close in our relationships. A mother’s constant hugs and embraces reassure a child over and over of her love. God never turns any of us away as His children. I think of when Jesus took a little child and embraced him. God, in a similar fashion, places His strong, loving arms around us to assure us of the closeness of His love.

We see the compassion.

A mother’s comfort is reflected in her tender compassion. In 1 Kings 3:26, we read of a mother whose “bowels yearned upon her son.” This speaks of the tender compassion and sympathy that a mother has for her child. No matter what hurt a child has, his mother sympathizes with him. No matter what kind of trouble he has, his mother sympathizes with him like no one else. Paul commended the mother and grandmother of Timothy for their unfeigned faith. I think one aspect of this unfeigned faith was the tender compassion exhibited to Timothy.

We see the kindness.

Paul speaks of the gentleness of a mother. This refers to her kindness. Solomon commended a virtuous woman by saying that the law of kindness was in her mouth. Gentleness is exhibited in our words—words of praise, commendation, affirmation, and encouragement. Gentleness is exhibited in our work. She models kindness by treating things with respect and care, and not with roughness or disrespect. Kindness is both proactive and responsive. Children are highly impressionable. When they see acts of kindness towards those who are disadvantaged or in need, they will tend towards acts of kindness to others.

We see the comparison.

A mother’s comfort is compared to the comfort of God. Unlike our culture that is becoming increasingly apathetic, coarse, and rude, the comfort of God is patient, longsuffering, gentle, and merciful. God is the God of all comfort and Father of mercies. As we watch a mother comfort her child, we see a model of how God comforts us. Perhaps we need to be comfort givers to more lives. Instead of neglecting people, we should see the life-impacting ministry that we can have by extending mercy and comfort. This morning, be thankful for the comfort of your mother. Be a comfort to others who need your kindness and consolation.

Have a comforting God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 2 Chronicles 1-4

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