Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. ~1 John 2:28
An appointment is a scheduled event in which the courtesy of our presence is expected. We make appointments to be on someone’s calendar. It is expected that you will arrive ahead of time for your appointment. Many times, the one whom we have an appointment with will send us a courtesy reminder. Appointments are very important events in which we are expected to prepare for and to attend. For every Christian, we have a very important appointment on the prophetic calendar that we are to be ready for. This appointment is the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ or the Rapture of the believer. Will you be ready for this appointment?
In anticipation of the return of our Lord for us, we must make sure we are abiding in Him. This means keep your fellowship and walk with the Lord near, dear, and clear. Be in fellowship with Him when He comes. Attend to your responsibilities with diligence. Be found faithful in all things. Be diligent in your service. Strive to do the best things and not just anything. Make each day for the Lord. Make each moment a precious second with God. Stay in love with Jesus so that you will love His appearing.
John said, “When he shall appear....” Paul calls this the “blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of our great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.” Be prepared for Jesus' coming. His coming is imminent. Each day that goes by means we are one day closer to seeing Him! Each opportunity that He gives us is one more opportunity to send ahead treasure in Heaven where moth and rust cannot corrupt. Each person we witness to is one more person we can see saved and go to Heaven. Each soul saved is populating Heaven with one more precious individual. Expect Jesus to come at any moment!
When He comes, it will be at a moment we did not plan for. When He comes, there will be an exposure. Will He find us praying? Will He find us working? Will He find us serving? Will He find us faithful? Will He find us winning souls? Will He find us faithful in church? How will He find us? Where will He find us? With whom will He find us? When He comes, what will His coming expose about you?
John wrote this one verse to encourage Christians who were immature but growing in the faith. He closed this verse by saying, “that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” We are to be found righteous, ready, and responsible when He comes. When He comes for us, we want the first words out of His mouth to be, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.” An exalted position is being found with confidence and not being ashamed. We have nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed about, and in our hearts, we know that we have done all we could to prepare for His return.
Are you ready for your appointment? Are you ready to raptured and to be with the Lord? Reassess the priorities in your life, and make certain you are ready!
Bible Reading Schedule: Numbers 18-20