Grace to Help

Today’s Verse:
Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. ~Isaiah 41:10
All of us at one time or another will have to deal with insecurities that arise because of an unexpected challenge or a failure on our part. These insecurities can make us unsure of ourselves, second-guess decisions, and make us feel like there is nothing we can do that make things right. However, I am thankful for verses like Isaiah 41:10. This verse is God’s promise and guarantee that a new start is possible with God’s help. In this verse, we see five things God promises to do for us when we have hit bottom and are trying to get back up. Five is the number for grace. Let us see this morning “grace to help.”
There is the promise of his presence.
“Fear thou not; I am with thee.” God promises to be at our side and accompany us as we go forward for Him. It is always comforting to know that the person giving us instructions will accompany us. In good times or tough times, God’s presence is with us. When the three Hebrew young men were cast into a furnace of intense fire for not bowing to the king’s idol, they were not by themselves. The king himself said there was a “fourth person” with them and He was like unto the Son of God. Jesus said, “Lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world.”
There is the promise of his person.
“Be not dismayed; for I am thy God.” God had to chasten Israel for their idolatry. The people of Israel were struggling with whether God was real to them. God had to let them know in no uncertain terms, that He had always been and always would be their God. He is God when we have success. He is God when we have struggles. He is God when we are victorious. He is God when we have been defeated. He is a personal God. He is a passionate God. He is God Who is all-powerful, all-knowing and all-sufficient for our needs. We can approach Him. We can access Him 24/7. He is our God!
There is the promise of his power.
“I will strengthen thee. Israel was depleted of their strength and resources.” They were weak and very inadequate. It was at this moment God encouraged them with His support. He is the helping hand when the load is too much. He is the shoulder that bears our burdens. He gives us strength so we can run through a troop and leap over walls. We might be exhausted and fatigued, but he enables us to mount up with wings as eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not faint.
There is the promise of his provision.
“Yea, I will help thee.” What a comfort to know God is there to help us. He helps us get our feet back on the ground. He helps us to cling tightly to our sword. He helps us to keep ourselves together and not fall apart. Help is just a prayer away. “The Lord is my helper: I will not fear what man shall do unto me.”
There is the promise of his position.
“Yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” The right hand is symbolic of authority and power. Where he is seated, no one can overthrow. However, he upholds us in righteousness. He does what He does for us in the beauty of holiness. God works on our behalf with the utmost in integrity and good ethics. God deals with us in dignity and honor. In His position, we have assurance that He is more than capable to get us past our problem or difficulty.
God gives us grace to help in time of need. His grace is sufficient for us. God’s grace is broken down for us in His presence, person, power, provision, and position. Don’t let your fears and doubts get the best of you: fear thou not!
Have a grace-enabled God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Revelation 1-3