Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man. ~Colossians 4:6
The difference between bland and tasty is the seasoning. The right use of spices and sauces transforms a normal dish into a culinary sensation. It’s all about having the right seasoning in the food that makes it delicious and unforgotten. During Paul’s day, seasoning food with salt was the difference maker. He uses the metaphor of food seasoned with salt to help us grasp the importance of words and speech that make a lasting difference in the lives of other people.
“Let your speech be alway with grace.” The area every person struggles in is his speech. There are those who are shy to speak and tend to be reserved with their words. There are those who are blunt with their words and can be hurtful and divisive. Every Christian must major on words that are considerate, constructive, encouraging, helpful, and kind. Paul refers to this kind of speech as being with grace. We must remember that grace speaks of unmerited love. Our choice of words, our spirit, and our tone all reflect whether there is grace in our speech. As one man said, “I never regretted what I did not say.” There are many times we want to let someone who rubs us the wrong way know how we feel. However, speech filled with grace is always speech that wins over even the most difficult person.
Our speech must ALWAYS be with grace. There is no margin given to us to lessen or eliminate grace in our speech. This is the game changer for every conversation and talk. By doing this, someone with a cursing problem could overcome this sin. By doing this, someone who tends to be abusive and ballistic becomes constructive and building up. By doing this, arguments are less frequent and solutions are more readily available. Even if the other person remains hostile to us, we have kept any conflict in check and the lines of communication are kept open. I challenge you this morning to allow the grace of God each morning to take control of your attitude and speech.
Our speech must be seasoned with salt. Salt gives flavor to our food. Salt makes us thirsty. Adding salt to our speech is transformational. It enhances a good relationship into a great relationship. It encourages faith, holiness, and proper practices. It transforms an unmotivated individual into a highly-motivated individual. Speech seasoned with salt turns a negative situation into one that is positive. It is speech that will bring about a proper response. It is when our words are enough to compel a sinner to place his faith in our Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. It is the essential ingredient in our communication that that results in the change we desire.
“...That ye may know how ye ought to answer every man.” Solomon defined this as a word fitly spoken. Peter said that it is giving every man an answer of the hope that is within us. It is God enabling us to have the right words at the right moment. Abigail kept David from killing her husband in anger by coming to him with words of grace. It is being tactful and truthful. Too many of us wreck relationships when, with grace, we can make a difference. Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt!
Bible Reading Schedule: Ezekiel 21-22