Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read

Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
But our God is in the heavens: he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased. ~Psalm 115:3
Ps. 115 is a powerful psalm of worship. It is a psalm that every Christian needs to read often to remind us that our God reigns! It is a psalm that preaches to us. It reproves, rebukes and exhorts as the preaching of God’s Word does. It is a psalm that gives us the right perspective concerning our lives, the difficulties we face, and the adversaries in our lives. Let us be reminded that our God reigns!
“Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy name give glory, for thy mercy, and for thy truth’s sake.”, vs. 1. First and foremost we must give glory to God for Who He is. “The name of the Lord is above all names. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, the Lord’s name is to be praised.” God’s name embodies the excellence of His attributes. Second, we must give glory to God because of where He is seated. He is in the Heavens. He is far above all creation. He is seated so that all eyes must look up and recognize He is higher than all creation. Third, we must give God glory because of His holiness. All of the attributes of God are an emanation of His holiness. Holy is He!
We see the CONTRAST.
The psalmist contrasts our God Who reigns with the idol gods of men. All idols are the works of the hands of men. Can you imagine worshiping an inanimate object made by the hands of men? These are objects that cannot see, hear, feel, touch, or have any ability to communicate or express feelings. The psalmist describes those who worship these idols, “They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusteth in them.” In essence, idol gods will disappoint those who worship them. Just as these idols are empty, those who worship them are empty. Just as those idols are powerless, so are those who worship them. Just as those idols are perishable, those who worship them are also perishable.
We see the CONFIDENCE.
The psalmist encourages everyone to put their trust in the Lord. Putting your trust in the Lord starts with faith in Christ alone as your personal Savior. Putting your trust in the Lord is placing your confidence and commitment of everything in your life to the Lord. We can trust the Lord with our lives. We can trust the Lord for our families. We can trust the Lord for our fears. We can trust the Lord for our trials. We can trust the Lord when the shadow of death hovers over us. We can trust the Lord when our back is against the wall. We can trust in Him because our God reigns!
Faith honors God and God honors faith. When we have faith in God, His faithfulness to us is our strength and enablement. When we put our complete trust in the Lord He will bless us. Not only will He bless us, but He will increase us. He is always mindful of us. God is mindful of every detail of our life. He never forgets us. He does not slumber or sleep. He has entrusted us with the earth. He has entrusted us with our life spans. In light of this, let us remember that the dead do not praise God. In summary, may it be said of our lives that it is a testimony to the fact that our God reigns!
God reigns in the Heavens! The question we must close with is, does God reign in your heart? Is He Lord over everything? “Not unto us, but unto thy name give glory.”
Have a God exalting God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Job 32-34