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Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Take It on the Chin

Today’s Verse:

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. ~Matthew 5:5


In His Sermon on the Mount, our Lord Jesus spoke of nine essential attitudes we must possess. These attitudes have been aptly called “beatitudes.” They are considered radical depictions of what real Christianity should be about. When Jesus spoke of these attitudes, modern-day religion had zero examples of men and women who depicted them. One of these attitudes is the virtue known as meekness. When meekness is mentioned, it is a disposition that is considered weak and easy to push over. One definition of meekness is the ability “to take it on the chin.” Let us see this morning if we have the attitude that can courageously take it on the chin.

We see the characteristic.

Meekness refers to a gentle spirit. It includes being of a humble disposition. It is not an angry, in-your-face disposition that reacts with anger, wrath, or retaliation. It is a characteristic that has diminished in most relationships. It is a gentle and understanding spirit that accepts criticism, complaining, and sarcasm without rebutting the other person. It is receiving rebuke and reprimand with a teachable spirit. It is enduring difficult personalities with what Peter calls a meek and quiet spirit. Peter further says that it is a spirit that is in the sight of God of great price. It is the characteristic that is to possess a servant of the Lord. It is one of the fruit of the Spirit that indicates our walk in the Spirit. Meekness is practicing people relationships as our Lord Jesus did: He was reviled, but reviled not again. When He suffered, He threatened not.

We see the conduct.

Meekness is Moses, under the pressure of complaint, murmuring, and even rebellion, falling on his face and praying for those who opposed him. Meekness is the servant of the Lord instructing those who oppose themselves. Meekness is a servant’s heart towards the members of the local body of Christ that you are a member of, and seeking unity and harmony within the body. It is taking preferential differences and not making them matters of division. It is a spirit that lovingly seeks to restore one that is fallen. It is the father of the prodigal, embracing his wayward son that has come home and giving him a hero’s welcome. It is Jesus taking our burdens that we give to Him, and giving us His yoke which is easy and light. It is casting ourselves down at the feet of the Lord and letting Him guide us in judgment. It is taking it on the chin even though you did not do wrong.

We see the compensation.

Jesus said, “Blessed are the meek.” A Christian who walks in meekness is taking the high road in his relationships. He has learned to trust God for the right outcome. As a result, he is described as “blessed” or happy. He’s happy because he knows that he is doing the right thing. He knows that he is heaping coals of fire on the head of his enemy. He knows that his spirit is the main attitude towards accomplishing conflict resolution.

The meek shall inherit the earth. This reward is also mentioned in Ps. 37:11. I believe there is a present and future application to this compensation. In a present sense, the meek Christian is on top of the world. He is the victor and never the loser. He has overcome the world by not conforming to the world. In a future application, I believe this refers to the Millennium and rulership the Lord gives to faithful and meek stewards in their life. The idea in this compensation is that God highly favors and graciously rewards a meek spirit.

Meekness does not demand any rights. Meekness does not seek to get the upper hand over others. Meekness is taking it on the chin. Are you meek? Will you submit yourself to walking in the Spirit so that you can be meek?

Have a meekness-infused God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Jeremiah 26-29

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