Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Alan Fong
3 min read
Today’s Verse:
Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. ~Galatians 6:2
Do you do weightlifting? Weightlifting is when you use weights to build and strengthen your muscles. This type of exercise is very helpful in preventing muscle atrophy and strengthening your bones. As a sport, competitors seek to lift massive amounts of weights to demonstrate power and strength. Everyone should do some form of weightlifting for good health. This morning, we want to consider spiritual weightlifting that is beneficial for us and others in need of our help. This form of weightlifting is burden-bearing.
We see the principle.
“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” It is a God-required expectation to help lift the burdens of other Christians. To “bear up” means to lift the weight or help relieve someone who has a heavy load on their back. Burden-bearing is to be reciprocal among believers. It is to be repeated among believers. Burden-bearing is a key means in which the law of Christ is fulfilled. The law of Christ is how we excel at walking in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is living out the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. It begins when we crucify the flesh and allow the Holy Spirit to have uninhibited and exclusive control of our lives. I think of Simon of Cyrene, who helped carry the heavy cross for Jesus to Golgotha. He stopped what he was doing, took on the weight of that cross, and carried it without complaining.
We see the practice.
Burden-bearing is practiced in many ways. The most basic way is by making prayers and intercessions for others. Another way is in the process of restoration of a brother who is overtaken in sin. Another way is when we care for the material and financial needs of full-time preachers and teachers of our congregation. Galatians 6:6 says, “Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things.” The word “communicate” means to fellowship or care for the needs of the teacher. Another way is to be a “caregiver” to a believer who is weighed down and needs someone to help him with his basic needs until he comes around again. We must be careful that we always have a servant’s heart when it comes to burden-bearing, and not have the attitude we are too big, too important, or too spiritual for the person who is weighed down.
We see the priority.
“As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” Paul said, “Let us do good to all men.” If I am walking in the Spirit, I should be looking for opportunities to reach out to someone who is weighed down. As a member of a local church, this is an emphasized priority. Paul said, “Especially unto them who are of the household of faith.” It is a sad thing to be a church member and not be aware of the heavy load that another brother or sister is carrying. To be neglectful in this area is almost saying that we are not aware that the other brother or sister is fainting under the load.
Let’s be committed to walking in the Spirit and being available to help lift someone else’s weight. Let’s put our spiritual muscles to work and help lift some burdens.
Have a burden-bearing God Morning!
Bible Reading Schedule: Job 5-7