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Wonderful and Excellent

Writer's picture: Alan FongAlan Fong

Today’s Verse:

This also cometh forth from the LORD of hosts, which is wonderful in counsel, and excellent in working. ~Isaiah 28:29


This morning, we see two powerful words that describe the Lord in His works in us: wonderful and excellent. I think it goes without saying that there are not enough words in our English vocabulary that describe how awesome God is in everything He does. Let us take a few minutes this morning to rejoice in the fact that God is wonderful and excellent.

We see the essence.

He is acknowledged as the Lord of hosts. This means that He is the Lord of the war, or the Lord Who fights for us. This name represents our Lord as a great military Commander, Strategist, Fighter, and Leader. As the Lord of hosts, He goes before us in leading us into battle and on to victory. As the Lord of hosts, He is undefeated in battle. As the Lord of hosts, He goes forth conquering. With God leading the way, we do not need to be afraid. With God on our side, we are on the winning side. With God fighting for us, we are more than conquerors through Him that loves us. Let every spiritual foe beware and realize that they are no match for the Lord of hosts.

We see the extraordinary.

He is wonderful in counsel. The word for wonderful is translated extraordinary, marvelous, and surpassing. Jesus’ name in Isaiah 9:6 is called Wonderful. Jesus is the personification of the wisdom of God. The counsel of God is His advice, wisdom, and guidance for us. Why is His counsel called wonderful? First, because it is safe. God’s counsel keeps us from danger and harm. Second, it is second to none. God’s counsel needs no improvement. It does not need to be questioned. It does not lead us astray. It is truth. Third, it is gives us serenity. He keeps us in perfect peace as we trust in Him. Fourth, it leads to our success. His counsel leads us into pleasant paths. Jeremiah said that God is great in counsel. We can trust His counsel for every area of our life.

We see the excellence.

He is called mighty, powerful, and great in His working, or wisdom. The Jews second guessed the Lord’s working. They disregarded His prophecies and wisdom for their lives. The Lord does not fail us in His working. The Lord is timely in His working. The Lord works all things together for good in His working. “Sing unto the LORD; for he hath done excellent things: this is known in all the earth” (Isaiah 12:5). His excellence surpasses our thoughts. What does not look sensible to us at first is God’s excellence at work. Someone has aptly said, “If you can explain it, God is not in it.” We see the excellence in His work in the lives of Joseph, Moses, Naomi, Jehoshaphat, Isaiah, Daniel, Noah, and Paul. Seek God’s wisdom for your life and experience how excellent it is.

Our Lord is wonderful and excellent. We have a tendency to try to solve things in our life and only involve God when we can’t solve them. Let us commit everything to Him, take our hands off, and taste and see how wonderful and excellent He is.

Have a wonderful God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: Psalms 1-8

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