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  • Writer's pictureAlan Fong

Clean the House

Today’s Verse:

And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; ~John 2:15


Does the sight of an unkempt house bother you? I think most people desire and strive for a clean house. However, we can become occupied with many other things and neglect our household needs. Jesus entered into the temple at Jerusalem and was appalled at what He saw in the courtyard. This courtyard had become a location for enterprising Jews who bought and sold therein. It bore no semblance as a place of worship, but, rather, looked no different than the marketplace in their town. God’s house must be kept clean and respectable. In a similar vein, our lives are like a house that is in need of frequent cleaning.

We see an accumulation of clutter.

We can easily allow our mind and life to be cluttered up with anxiety, worry, fears, and trouble. Jesus said, “Let not your heart be troubled.” A cluttered life crowds out faith, hope, love, and joy. A cluttered life is typically a stressful life. When we do not deal with the clutter in our life, it continues to pile up and becomes a distraction and nuisance. We must clean our lives of clutter.

We see apathetic carelessness.

We can get used to the sight and smell of the buildup of dust and dirt in our life. We can get to the place where a dirty window blocks our vision and it doesn’t bother us. We can get to the place where piles of magazines and newspapers take up space and we get used to it. Our life needs cleaning from apathetic carelessness. When carelessness sets in, we lose our concern and become self-satisfied.

We see an awakened conscience.

When Jesus entered into the temple, He stirred things up. Everyone who had gotten used to the sheep, oxen, money changers, and enterprising were awakened to the fact that this did not sit well with Jesus. Consciences were awakened to the fact that a housecleaning was underway. They were awakened to the fact that things were not supposed to have gotten the way they did.

We see an authentic confession.

For our life to be cleansed and purified, there must be a truthful confession on our part. This means we must give a full acknowledgement that we are at fault and desire God’s cleansing power to work within us. Confession means we agree with what God says about our sin.

We see an abiding consecration.

An abiding consecration is a life that is cleansed and spot-free. An abiding consecration is a conviction that our life is to be holy and set apart for God’s glory. It is a life that is in fellowship with the Lord and staying close to Him in fellowship and service. “Be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.”

Does your life need housecleaning? Are you aware of clutter and carelessness that need immediate attention? Let the Lord come in and awaken you those areas in need of a thorough cleansing. Seek to be restored to the place where an abiding consecration is the norm of your life.

Have a spotless God Morning!

Bible Reading Schedule: 1 Samuel 18-20

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